Topic: How does parenting work?

Posted under Art Talk

Hello, I recently made a topic discussing some art I was planning to upload.

This is my first time uploading, and I uploaded both pics (an original and a slightly edited one) which are now awaiting approval, but I'm not quite sure how parenting works.

I can't find anything in the howto sections on the matter. I know for a fact the original should be listed as the parent of the edited piece, but I'm not sure what to do.

Updated by HanjiiLuv

just copy the id number of the parent post to the parent post field of the other. you can find the id number from statistics

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
just copy the id number of the parent post to the parent post field of the other. you can find the id number from statistics

Thank you, done and done.

Updated by anonymous

In the url of a post like this one there will be a number after /show/, in this case it's 316778. Go to "edit" on a child post and put that number in the "parent post ID" box.

Note that the urls you have might be slightly different since by default they have tags added to the end (I have that turned off in settings).

That's about it really.

Updated by anonymous

Well, you do your best to raise them until they're an adult, and then they repeat the cycle themselves.

Just kidding. Muti and Psprite already posted the answer.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Well, you do your best to raise them until they're an adult, and then they repeat the cycle themselves.

Just kidding. Muti and Psprite already posted the answer.


Updated by anonymous

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