Topic: Tag Implication: copyright:disney -> character_from_animated_feature_film

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


i enjoy the character_from_animated_feature_film tag, and this would help fill it out

idk if i can suggest multiple implications here, but maybe also copyright:pixar, copyright:dreamworks, and other copyrights could also implicate the character_from_animated_feature_film tag?

also if i did this thread wrong, i'm sorry, this is my first time posting on the forums

Updated by Furrin Gok

I don't think the disney copyright in and of itself indicates that the character was from a film. The cast of Gargoyles springs readily to mind there.

I think you did it properly! I just disagree with the implication itself.

Updated by anonymous

Close enough for discussion purposes, but generally speaking you're better off using the tag tool for this sort of thing (the tag tool puts it into an approve/decline queue and is less likely to get lost or forgotten about).

As for the implication itself. There are several Disney cartoons that aren't necessarily films, same with Pixar/Dreamworks/etc. but to a lesser extent. Lilo and Stitch started out as a movie, but got made into a cartoon later on. There are certainly going to be lots of characters introduced that aren't in the movies.

That being said, I was never really set on the "character_from_animated_feature_film" tag because of this sort of problem. Maybe that's just my own opinion though.

Updated by anonymous

character_from_animated_feature_film seems like an invalid tag to me

Updated by anonymous

this problem could also be (somewhat???) solved if the search could handle things like "copyright:*". it wouldn't be as descriptive as the tag, but i could narrow it down from there

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
character_from_animated_feature_film seems like an invalid tag to me

The tag exists, but for some odd reason i don't think its a good and useful tag, most of characters from animated movies probably have names, its probably easier to search for them than searching for all characters from animated films.

I would suggest aliasing character_from_animated_feature_film -> invalid_tag.

But that is just my opinion.

Updated by anonymous

randomhajile said:
this problem could also be (somewhat???) solved if the search could handle things like "copyright:*". it wouldn't be as descriptive as the tag, but i could narrow it down from there

This is actually possible with copytags:>0, but it's currently broken.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I'm not a fan of that tag myself, partly because it's way too long and partly because I'm not sure why it is needed. The length could be easily fixed, but why limit searches specifically to those characters (while excluding, let's say, characters from animated series)?

If it's just for the specific character style, then wouldn't using tags such as toony be better?

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Haha, you must be jo-

Wait, it's real?

I'm just amazed it got to 441

...without any implications.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I'm just amazed it got to 441

...without any implications.

And it wasn't just a one-man effort, either.

There were multiple people who not only saw no problem with this tag, but thought it would be a good idea to use it.

Updated by anonymous

Okay, thing about Disney, is they made some books as well as films.

Durandal said:
And it wasn't just a one-man effort, either.

There were multiple people who not only saw no problem with this tag, but thought it would be a good idea to use it.

"Character from an animated feature" actually sounds like a good tag to me, aside from being extremely long. Characters who orinate from any animated feature have an actual canonical appearance, while those from books can be customized without looking like it was customized.

Updated by anonymous