Topic: Tag Alias: ハルスプ -> harusupu

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Just_Another_Dragon said:
Same artist.

Wrong. It's the same name, only in English lettering.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Wrong. It's the same name, only in English lettering.

It's both. Literally.

ハルスプ is their display name on Pixiv, and harusupu is their username on twitter.
But even if that didn't happen to be the case, the transliteration of their own name into romaji should still be the same artist. It shouldn't change that fact unless it's one of those rare cases where we have two artists who share the same username on different sites. Which is not what is happening here.

Also, verified that it's the same artist under both tags and approved.

Updated by anonymous