Topic: Tag Implication: 4_balls -> multi_balls

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating 4_balls → multi_balls
Link to implication


An alternative would be to alias it since I'm not sure that counting the number of balls is really that helpful tagging-wise. However, I'm not sure if the difference in posts is just because the tagger is thinking "there are only 3 balls" or simply "this is the only tag I know of".

For now at least I'm currently writing the wikis as if this implication were true; I can always change it later.

Updated by furrypickle

Approved as an implication. This way people can easily find 4_balls which is easily the most popular type of multi_balls. But they can also search -4_balls multi_balls to be able to find the much smaller pile of 3 balls and 6 balls images. It seems to make it the most searchable and accessible.

Updated by anonymous

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