Topic: Tag alias: walter_wolf -> walter_john_wolf

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Cartoon characters frequently get middle names that aren't really used to refer to them ever, if the character isn't frequently called "Walter John Wolf" we should keep the tag as walter_wolf, I'm not all that familiar with Animaniacs so I don't remember if that's the case. We would never rename donald_duck to donald_fauntleroy_duck because nobody actually ever calls him that, and most people probably don't even know that's his name.

  • The Animaniacs wiki just uses Walter Wolf as the title, but includes the middle name in the page content
  • Wikipedia just uses Walter Wolf with no indication of a middle name.

faucet said:
Cartoon characters frequently get middle names that aren't really used to refer to them ever, if the character isn't frequently called "Walter John Wolf" we should keep the tag as walter_wolf, I'm not all that familiar with Animaniacs so I don't remember if that's the case. We would never rename donald_duck to donald_fauntleroy_duck because nobody actually ever calls him that, and most people probably don't even know that's his name.

  • The Animaniacs wiki just uses Walter Wolf as the title, but includes the middle name in the page content
  • Wikipedia just uses Walter Wolf with no indication of a middle name.

I guess that's fair. I just noticed two active tags for the character and thought I could bring it to attention.

On the other hand, having a middle name would help differentiate him from other Water Wolfs, assuming there are any.

Alias is now flipped to go the other direction for reasons already mentioned, and then approved (because we don't need two tags).

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