Topic: BUR: All the 'trodes

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #45577 electrode_on_breasts -> electrode has been approved.

Reason: Reason: Doing a cleanup of the electrostimulation fetish and figured this would help a bit. I need to fix my mess with the *_electrode tags, as well. Figured I'd get both done at same time!
I'll edit these in in a moment: electrode_in_pussy_electrode_on_pussy_electrode_on_penis_electrode_in_urethra_electrode_on_penis_electrode_on_balls_electrode_in_anus_electrode_cuff_electrode_pad -> electrode

EDIT: The tag implication electrode_on_breasts -> electrode (forum #342045) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #3033 is active.

create implication electrode_in_pussy (13) -> electrode (464)
create implication electrode_pad (139) -> electrode (464)
create implication electrode_cuff (6) -> electrode (464)
create implication electrode_in_ass (96) -> electrode (464)
create alias electrode_in_anus (1) -> electrode_in_ass (96)
create implication electrode_on_balls (36) -> electrode (464)
create implication electrode_on_penis (47) -> electrode (464)
create implication electrode_in_urethra (6) -> electrode (464)
create implication electrode_on_pussy (30) -> electrode (464)
create alias cuff_electrode (0) -> electrode_cuff (6)
create alias electrode_in_penis (0) -> electrode_in_urethra (6)
create implication electrode_in_urethra (6) -> urethral_penetration (9376)
create implication electrode_in_pussy (13) -> vaginal_penetration (293266)
create implication electrode_in_ass (96) -> anal_penetration (327329)
create implication electrode_in_pussy (13) -> object_in_pussy (772)
create implication electrode_in_ass (96) -> object_in_ass (30153)

Reason: It's far past time this get done...

EDIT: The bulk update request #3033 (forum #342048) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

strikerman said:
Might be best to make a BUR

Yeah, I didn't realize you can do them without updating an existing topic. Well, TIL for next time!
Some of those don't exist, but I wanted to make sure to future-proof against future taggers forgetting or not knowing.

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