Topic: [APPROVED] Tag alias: furugitsune -> koko_(kishibe)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #58421 furugitsune -> koko_(kishibe) has been approved.

Reason: name correction

This character's tag is incorrect here. It's furugitsune on e621, but it should be koko_(kishibe), ideally. It's been transcribed wrongly.

"Furugitsune" is the everyday reading of the kanji in her name「古狐 」 old fox, old-timer, schemer, but her name is supposed to be read as 「ココ」"Koko". See the on'yomi at the link above, and the explanation below.

The character's creator spells it out for us…


最近描いてて自キャラにしたい感じのキャラを 狐の神様なんです  名前の読みは「ココ」

Old fox

I've been drawing a character lately that I feel like I want to make my own. She's a fox deity whose name reads as "Koko." [via DeepL]


Other stuff

EDIT: The tag alias furugitsune -> koko_(kishibe) (forum #342595) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

Bumping for a bit more discussion. Is there anything else that needs to be said here?

I've already updated the current wiki page, please feel free to suggest rewordings etc.

kora_viridian said:
Sometimes aliases go through in a few days, and sometimes they go through in a few months.

The procedure that seems to work for the last few months is to initially post the alias/BUR proposal (like you did here), hash out any discussion needed, get some amount of agreement on the proposal (like, it has all or mostly upvotes), let it age about a month, and then put a link to the proposal in this thread . Proposals linked in that thread seem to have a better chance of getting approved.

Thanks! 30 days have passed, so I've linked it and bumped it. I hope it'll be approved soon.

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