Topic: Humanized and Not_Furry

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

There are 10 pages of images under the humanized tag, all of which depict humans, and very few of which depict furry creatures alongside. I don't want to cause drama by tagging them all not_furry without asking first.

For reference, I care about this because I have "not_furry -rating:s" in my blacklist. When I'm browsing e621, I actually enjoy seeing this:
post #241303

Yet I'd rather not see this:
post #212858

I want to avoid running into porn that doesn't depict furry characters while I'm browsing this site. I have my blacklist set accordingly. I'm willing to put the effort into altering the tags. May I do this? Will it cause problems if I do?

Updated by SnowWolf

Well, going by the tag-what-you-see rule guideline; if there are no anthro characters and solely human(s), regardless of previous knowledge, I'd tag them with not_furry since it does fulfil the tag criteria

Conversely, there doesn't seem to be any posts tagged as anthrofied not_furry, so it seems reasonable that the opposite would hold true

Updated by anonymous

You may also want to consider blacklisting the humanized tag. There might be the occasional mixed humanized/anthro/feral work but that should generally be rare.

Updated by anonymous

I'm going to start doing some retagging. I'll consider adding a 'humanized -rating:s' line to my blacklist same as I have a not_furry line, but I'll need to spend some more time looking at the humanized section to see if it's really necessary first.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
humanized seems like it's not_furry to me.

But a humanized character might be shown with an anthro and/or feral character, eg. post #233847, so...

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
But a humanized character might be shown with an anthro and/or feral character, eg. post #233847, so...

But this wasn't about implications or aliases. :)

Updated by anonymous

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