So here's the issue. I find a video or a couple of videos I want to watch and open them. I manage to watch some, everything is fine. But then some of the videos I want to watch have problems to the point where they either can't load or suddenly stop loading and corrupt part way through. In either case, I have to reload the page multiple times, or leave it then come back into it, perhaps by clicking the link again, then either the video works, or it corrupts in a DIFFERENT part. Even pressing the DOWNLOAD button to go to a different page has the same thing. Has this happened to you? I ask, because I know a video that got flagged for being corrupted multiple times until people realized it may have been something on their end, or something like that. After that, I kept occasionally seeing videos where people would flag it for being corrupted, but then admit in the comments it seemed to work fine later. And I feel like it HAS to be from e621's system, because the videos that kept screwing up were perfectly fine at the source, that mainly being Twitter and whatnot. So, again, has anyone else experienced this problem? Let me know, because it's driving me crazy right now.