Topic: To upload or not, that is the question

Posted under Art Talk

So I was watching a Jimmy Kimmel Live video (uploaded in June)
and it included art of Curious_George experimenting "with his roommate a baboon named Fabulous Bruce"

I cropped and did perspective control to try and find artwork version (ie. non-video version) online,
but it looks like it was something whipped up by someone at Jimmy Kimmel Live (and is only in that YouTube vid).
has "Screen captures" in list of "Bad things to upload".

Does the content (Curious George in bed with baboon),
combined with that the artist (Jimmy Kimmel employee?) is very unlikely to upload it to DeviantArt or other online gallery.
move it slightly into the neighbourhood of "Good things to upload"???

edit: version without YouTube adverts at
(you maybe have to zoom-out webpage to see the whole screen for 11:45pm of the episode).


It will most likely fall under Screen captures unless you can find an official online source for it.
Third-party crops of that particular image is still considered a screen capture.

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