Topic: Tag Alias: Raven --> Crow

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing Raven --> Crow

Reason: Technically, these are not quite the same thing in the wild, but it's hard to clearly identify them in pictures, especially after going through the often loose interpretations of anthropomorphic artists.

Also, even in the wild, ravens are a type of crow. All ravens are crows, but not all crows are ravens. If the alias isn't done on technical differentiation grounds, a raven --> crow implication should still be done instead.

Updated by Halite

An implication sounds fine to me as well

Also, ravens are usually
Physically larger than crows
Have a longer wingspan
Sharper angled wings
Drawn with a fluffier/shaggier throat
Have a more defined curve to their bills


Though, you make a good point about whether most artists would take that into consideration when portraying them

Updated by anonymous

Definitely not alias, that would be the same as aliasing Tiger to Panther.
Since tigers are in the panther genus, along with lions, jaguars, and leopards.

The traditionally named "panther" is actually a solid black jaguar or leopard depending on what country you're in, but all 4 are accurate to call panthers.

Updated by anonymous

31h253 said:
Also, even in the wild, ravens are a type of crow. All ravens are crows, but not all crows are ravens.

Ravens are not a type of crow. They're both Corvids.
Knives are not a type of fork. They're both cutlery.

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
Ravens are not a type of crow. They're both Corvids.
Knives are not a type of fork. They're both cutlery.

A corvid is a crow. Crow is not a species, it's a genus that includes ravens. Corvidae is the family; the corvid genus comprises one third of the corvidae family.

Updated by anonymous

31h253 said:
A corvid is a crow. Crow is not a species, it's a genus that includes ravens. Corvidae is the family; the corvid genus comprises one third of the corvidae family.


Updated by anonymous

I wonder if the system would explode if we made raven imply crow and crow imply raven? :P

...maybe both should aliase to big_black_bird XD

...or Corvidae/Corvid :p

In all seriousness, this:

titaniachkt said:
Though, you make a good point about whether most artists would take that into consideration when portraying them

is the best point on this topic. Most artists will not distinguish adaquatly between the two, and, more so, most USERS tagging images won't be able to TELL them apart, even if they are drawn in a way to better define which species they are.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I wonder if the system would explode if we made raven imply crow and crow imply raven? :P

...maybe both should aliase to big_black_bird XD

...or Corvidae/Corvid :p

In all seriousness, this:
is the best point on this topic. Most artists will not distinguish adaquatly between the two, and, more so, most USERS tagging images won't be able to TELL them apart, even if they are drawn in a way to better define which species they are.

Uhh, no sir(ma'am?) ravens are crows, but crows aren't all ravens.
Corvid includes ravens, crows, jackdaws, bluejays even(side note implt crow from bluejay?) plus many others.

Updated by anonymous

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