Topic: [APPROVED] Ember the (firesmart) fox alias

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3584 has been rejected.

create alias ember_the_fox (0) -> ember_the_fox_(disambiguation) (0)
change category ember_the_fox_(disambiguation) (0) -> invalid

Reason: I wandered across ember the firesmart fox ( )
where the wiki just says " "

So i went to
and it says
"Character: ember the fox
vixen representing FireSmart British Columbia, a firefighting mascot like Smokey Bear or Captain Cal

My first thought was aliasing ember_the_fox TO -> ember_the_firesmart_fox,
BUT there are other ember foxes:
1) ember_(raekal) , looks like a fox
2) emberfoxart_(artist) AND emberfoxart BOTH alias to emberwick
3) emberfox : FA: (no obvious ref-sheet.)
4) fox character named Ember (two ref-sheets at )
(and probably some others)

How about:
1) move the wikitext FROM ember_the_fox TO ember the firesmart fox ??
2) alias ember_the_fox to ember_the_fox _(disambiguation) ???

(category ember_the_fox_(disambiguation) -> invalid ,
because ambiguous isn't a category yet)

(edit: moved post_versions text to reply below)

EDIT: The bulk update request #3584 (forum #350410) has been rejected by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

Putting this into reply to simplify BUR suggestion above:

Checking for removal of ember_the_fox tag:

1) post #3597515 (was tagged with both ember_the_firesmart_fox and ember_the_fox (ember_the_fox tag removed later that day by another e621-account)
(uploaded 2months ago "2022-09-30")

2) post #3605115 , uploaded (by artist) with tag ember_the_fox, replaced with ember_the_firesmart_fox (tag edit by another e621-account)
(uploaded 2022-10-04)

3&4) post #1581998 and post #1561973 tag of ember_the_fox replaced with tag ember_(raekal) (on Oct 4)

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