Topic: Sanity check on ponytail_(hair)

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Saw this while strolling through posts, and the first thought that came to mind was "why?". We already have "ponytail", and as far as I know there isn't any tagging for a pony tail (as in the tail of a pony) like with other animal-specific tails (which often get applied to anthro animals even if that's not what the tags are for, but that's another issue).

Is there any reason to keep "ponytail_(hair)" as a separate tag, or just merge it into "ponytail" (manual editing or alias, there's only 26 pictures so tagged as of this post)?

imagoober said:
as far as I know there isn't any tagging for a pony tail (as in the tail of a pony) like with other animal-specific tails (which often get applied to anthro animals even if that's not what the tags are for, but that's another issue).

there's horse_tail, which seems really under-tagged

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