What does the bust tag mean? Can someone more knowledgeable update its wiki entry for me? I'd be grateful.
Updated by Rainbow Dash
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
What does the bust tag mean? Can someone more knowledgeable update its wiki entry for me? I'd be grateful.
Updated by Rainbow Dash
Hm... as far as I know it refers to a bust of a character, sort of like when a statue is a bust.
post #202145 is a good example.
Updated by anonymous
it's a waist-up shot of a character
Updated by anonymous
Inclusive or exclusive of shots that focus on a character's head?
Updated by anonymous
Pretty sure the chest needs to be involved. Hence bust.
Updated by anonymous
Ippiki's got it; usually used for pictures with a focus on the character's upper half, starting from the chest
Obligatory wikipedia article: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Bust_(sculpture)
I'll add that to the wiki entry since it does look pretty empty
Anyone is free to (constructively) modify it as they see fit, of course
There's also portrait, profile, and to a lesser extent, close-up
Updated by anonymous
Wiki created for good measure
Updated by anonymous