Topic: Tag Alias: multi_leg -> multiple_legs

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'm thinking if we standardize them, we should probably use the shorter form since it is, by nature, a combining form. A tag like multi_cock has different connotations than multiple_cocks, which might get mistagged as something that fits more under penis_everywhere. Plus the multi_* form works well for singular and usually well enough for plural, but the multiple_* form sounds much more awkward with singular and would probably need changing to plural to sound gramatically correct.


  • multi_cock, multi_cocks
  • multiple_cock, multiple_cocks
  • multi_breast, multi_breasts
  • multiple_breast, multiple_breasts
  • multi_penis, multi_penises (okay that one sounds a little weird)
  • multiple_penis, multiple_penises

A about this?

  • multi_[body part]
  • Use whatever the regular tag is (_penis instead of _cock)
  • Use singular whenever possible, but allow for exceptions.
    • Example: ball and balls are not the same thing. Though multi_ball could still be aliased to multi_balls since it would be not tagged for anything anyways. (not saying we have to do this one, it's just a good example)

multiple_* could be used for non-body part tags (except multicolored) to help keep multi_* tag search focused on body parts.

Forms we need to consider:

  • multi_*                 multi_ball
  • multi_*s/es           multi_balls
  • multiple_*             multiple_ball
  • multiple_*s/es       multiple_balls
  • multi* (rare)          multiball
  • multi*s/es (rare)    multiballs
  • multi-*                  multi-ball
  • multi-*s/es            multi-balls

So we can essentially just pick one and alias the most likely of the rest (depending on the tag).

While we're on the topic, it's worth mentioning that the multicolored tags are really inconsistent right now:

It looks like multi-colored_* is the most popular. However, the-hyphen_underscore form is kind of a pain to type out. Not only that, but using hyphens in general likely encourages using them in other tags (e.g., multi-image) and should probably be avoided. In this case there's no reason to not just use multicolor/multicolored since they are considered to be a correct form (i.e., they're in the dictionary). I'm leaning towards multicolored_* myself, but multicolor_* would work just as well as long as we keep to just one.

Forms we need to consider:

  • multicolor_*
  • multi-color_*
  • multicolored_*
  • multi-colored_*
  • multi_color_* and multi_colored_* (probably just a cleanup is good enough)
  • The "colour" versions of the above tags.

Updated by anonymous

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