Implicating panties_around_one_leg → panties_down
Link to implication
In order for the panties to be around only one leg, they must be down/at a lower position in order to have slipped a leg out and what not.
Updated by furrypickle
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Implicating panties_around_one_leg → panties_down
Link to implication
In order for the panties to be around only one leg, they must be down/at a lower position in order to have slipped a leg out and what not.
Updated by furrypickle
Well technically they don't HAVE to be. The wearer could have slipped them back up on their leg if they really wanted to... but that would be stupid, and so far as I can tell doesn't exist in any artwork ever, lol.
Seems kosher to me.
Updated by anonymous
Tokaido said:
and so far as I can tell doesn't exist in any artwork ever, lol.
I've just remedied that.
As far as I can tell, it's about on par, stupidity wise. with RPG character designs that have belts everywhere.
Updated by anonymous
Well we have a few images like this:
Which are around one leg but not really down.
However, I'm also not convinced that people searching for the one are really looking for the other. I suspect a lot of people who are searching for panties_down may view panties_around_one_leg as being more like the panties are off (only still on by technicality) when they're around_one_leg instead of just being down (still worn but pushed down). So I'm not sure people who search for panties_down are really looking for panties_around_one_leg results. So even if there weren't exceptions, I'm not sure how helpful implicating these two would have been in the long run.
But there are exceptions, so either way this one is denied.
Updated by anonymous