Topic: why do people downvote something to hell instead of blacklisting

Posted under Art Talk

IDK maybe it's just me but like why bother downvote when you can easily just blacklist the art/artist and boom problem solved

They don't think long enough to solve the problem on their side and and the downvote button is a way to cope with the pain, I guess.

dubsthefox said:
They don't think long enough to solve the problem on their side and and the downvote button is a way to cope with the pain, I guess.

LOL, we used to call this 'butthurt'. Some are born to hate. Getting angry at strangers for doing things you don't like is the great passtime of nosy busy bodies.

Some people said, They downvote "when they see something they don't like", To avoid leaving a complaint comment, and drama.
Their thinking would not be wrong, IMO, ONLY on the 1st visit. (( If I recall correctly, I've seen them on e621 or YouTube ... ? ))

When it becomes the 2nd-time or later visiting blacklist-able post/tag yet they still make another downvote,
Then they're bored having nothing to do, likely.

Though, I've heard Some wicked people are doing it on purpose. (( e.g. To relieve stress, To be a critic ... ))
Hate to say but Those who spend their precious time on things they don't like are idiots.

Perhaps it's because they don't mind the artist, have no issue with the picture's subject matter, nor any other blacklist-fixable reason. They may just dislike that particular picture for some valid reason, so the downvote lets them express that honest dislike and just move on.

Maybe they do it for the same reason some people think that complaining about downvotes will make them stop.

They can do both and it's not just one person, Dood

A peep'll come across something they don't like, Downvote then blacklist the offending material.
Thing is that this process can happen again and again and again. It isn't just one person
spamming a button or someone going out of their way to find things to downvote.
it's a group of peeps, All coming across different pieces for the first time,
all having the same idea with the same execution, Dood.

It may be the 146 downvote on paper but it was the first time for them,
Not an 'either-or' like they have a choice on either downvoting or Blacklisting
but 'and so on' rather, They downvoted and they'll be black listing the tag, Dood

Instead of assuming and standing on your soap box, maybe think about it. A lot of downvotes could also be because poor quality, obnoxious content, or it's just a poor picture for other reasons.

Yes people downvote unpopular content, but are promptly in trouble if they ever comment about it.

Unless you are all for vote tracing to punish people . . .

There are so many reasons for downvoting something that it's pretty pointless to assign some sort of meaning beyond "I don't like this."

What I don't get though is how some people seem to find themselves on content they don't like over and over again. Lack of tags aside.

kurogi_foxsiv said:
Hate to say but Those who spend their precious time on things they don't like are idiots.

Haha, the implication of busy bodies and not-so-busy minds.

popoto said:
There are so many reasons for downvoting something that it's pretty pointless to assign some sort of meaning beyond "I don't like this."

What I don't get though is how some people seem to find themselves on content they don't like over and over again. Lack of tags aside.

Not reading the rules? Not liking them when they read them?

Personally, I downvote something when there's enough there I dislike, but not enough for me to blacklist. I can tolerate seeing them again, that's not the problem. The few I possibly wouldn't tolerate seeing again, I'm not overly inclined to go back to look at just to grab their IDs to blacklist them. And a good chunk of the ones I downvoted don't have an easy tag to blacklist that wouldn't possibly catch good pictures in the crossfire. This all said, I think I only have like... somewhere below 50 posts downvoted across the site anyways.

My own personal reasons aside, up/downvoting (and favoriting) and why people choose to do either is highly subjective, and not everyone who does so does it out of malice. I've seen some people on some sites do it purely for organizational purposes or just to mark something as "I've seen this" if they ever come across it again.

As others have mentioned sometimes blacklisting doesn't work. This is especially true when there is a disagreement on a post that gets a tag that would help with blacklisting gets locked from the post.

alphamule said:
Not reading the rules? Not liking them when they read them?

I guess. But I don't see what they get out of intentionally getting angry about optional stuff.
Like, just click the x on your browser lmao. It's certainly not helping themselves

popoto said:
What I don't get though is how some people seem to find themselves on content they don't like over and over again. Lack of tags aside.

I guess. But I don't see what they get out of intentionally getting angry about optional stuff.
Like, just click the x on your browser lmao. It's certainly not helping themselves

Perhaps it's like rubbernecking at a car crash. Sure it's terrible and horrible, but you just can't look away.

However, in many cases, I suspect that they do like clicking on those pictures, because they enjoy being outraged, especially when they can pretend they're the good guys due to the controversialness of the pictures and also because it's safe, much safer to be outraged by such relatively trivial things rather than something potentially dangerous to their health.

clawstripe said:
Perhaps it's like rubbernecking at a car crash. Sure it's terrible and horrible, but you just can't look away.

However, in many cases, I suspect that they do like clicking on those pictures, because they enjoy being outraged, especially when they can pretend they're the good guys due to the controversialness of the pictures and also because it's safe, much safer to be outraged by such relatively trivial things rather than something potentially dangerous to their health.

"Why is doomscrolling addictive?" LOL@google results for this. Addicted to emotional stimulation.
Doom wall on other hand is some video game thing.

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