Topic: Tag Alias naka08042000 -> hazukikai

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

An alias is the right thing to do if it's the same thing, hence the name.

Updated by anonymous

Like the others have said, what you are looking for is an alias. Aliases are used when two things are the same thing, and we want to make sure both tags end up being treated like the same thing. An implication is when having tag 1 means it has to also have tag 2. So for example, brown_hair will always also have hair, so brown_hair was implicated to --> hair awhile ago. So that's how to tell the difference between an alias and an implication.

In any case, this artist is verified to be the same and the alias is approved. And thanks Granberia for doing this, since that made it easier and much appreciated it. *tips hat*

Updated by anonymous

Thanks for the info. I never did one of these before. I was thinking it would be alias but wasn't quite sure.

Updated by anonymous

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