Topic: [Feature] Sticky Temporary Blacklist changes (with cross tab synchronization)

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I've got some working prototype code - you can load it into Chrome as an extension by creating a folder for the files linked, then putting the three marked sections into files in the folder as marked. Load it by going to "chrome://extensions/", put yourself in developer mode (top right), then "Load Unpacked Extension"; the _folder_ you created is the extension.

The idea is to temporarily remember blacklist changes so when navigating search results and opening images, you don't have to keep disabling the same blacklist items (sometimes I want to see some things, other times I don't). Since I used local storage anyway (like the Disable All Blacklist feature) and it was easy, changes are synchronized between tabs without needing to refresh the page. Disable All Blacklist or Re-enable All Blacklist wipes the temporary blacklist changes; as written. I'd wanted an easy way to wipe temporary disables and I didn't feel like adding new elements to the page. Better would be to make disable/re-enable simple suppress temporary changes and have another "wipe temp changes" link if there are any.

So, nifty, but prototype. The dev(s) may need to do a little more work than just copy-paste to integrate it seamlessly, but it's a feature I've wanted enough to finally develop that it pulled me away from nudes.

Code: (Delete lines 53 and 54 - premature optimization which prevents page updates on other tabs when the last item is unchecked)

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