Topic: Question about sound_warning

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This is a question that's been brewing for a long time in my head

The wiki for sound_warning says "this meta tag is for video and Flash posts containing obscenely loud sound at any point", yet it seems that in practice it's basically interchangeable with just sound on the site. Pretty much every single video I've posted on the site ends up getting tagged with sound_warning, and the same happens with many random submissions containing otherwise surprisingly tame audio levels

Are these just all mistags, or is the wiki for the tag just overselling how loud sounds must be to qualify for it?

Speaking as somebody who hates sound in porn in general and has been jumpscared on a few occasions by forgetting to mute my speakers, I can sympathise with the people who believe that all sound needs to be warned for. And the recent kerfuffle over tagging voice actors has provided us with a formal written notice from staff that they consider sound to be an incidental part of this site at best.

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