The tag implication #47442 stuck -> bound has been rejected.
Reason: This is a weird one, since I already know that this implication isn't exactly correct. But it needs to be out there.
We currently define being bound as being “limited in motion by non-living things.”
There are few scenarios where a character that’s correctly tagged as being stuck won’t also be bound, but they do exist, which might cause problems with this implication. All of the ones I’m aware of are reliant on the ‘non-living’ requirement. ex: The character is stuck halfway inside a tree, like post #3664906.
It’ll take a bit before this implication can be added, though, as this tag is often misused. It might be advantageous for this to be an alias instead, just so there’s less opportunity for misuse.
-Some taggers add stuck just because a character says the word “stuck”, like in post #3688776
-Despite the description of stuck clearly stating it doesn’t necessary include knotting, several images use it anyways.
-It’s also sometimes used instead of restrained, like in post #3664606.
All I know is, I’m definitely not patient enough to fix the tags on a total of 68 pages with 50 posts each. (Generated with the search stuck -bound -restrained)
EDIT: The tag implication stuck -> bound (forum #350231) has been rejected by @gattonero2001.
Updated by auto moderator