Topic: Tag Implication: ear_rape -> sound

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I didn't know ear_rape was a tag. I tend to search -sound when I'm paranoid that something will try to rape my ears. So I support this implication.

Updated by anonymous

31h253 said:
I didn't know ear_rape was a tag. I tend to search -sound when I'm paranoid that something will try to rape my ears. So I support this implication.

Yeah I found that a month or so ago when I was going through some very old flashes. I fell in love with it because it conveys it's purpose beautifully.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Maybe ear_rape should be aliased to sound_warning? Both are for the same thing: abnormally loud sounds/music, and sound_warning seems easier to spot..

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Maybe ear_rape should be aliased to sound_warning? Both are for the same thing: abnormally loud sounds/music, and sound_warning seems easier to spot..

That makes sense to me, and people would stop using it for posts that have unspeakable things done to ears

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
That makes sense to me, and people would stop using it for posts that have unspeakable things done to ears

Cleaning up ear_rape made me stumble upon a perfect example to add on the what wiki.

Updated by anonymous

I'm going to give this some more time to dicuss whether people want the tag to stay ear_rape or change to sound_warning which I think is a fairly good idea. Though the wiki will probably have to emphasize that the tag (whichever its called) is for when the sound is especially loud or sudden, and not simply because sound is present.

It's worth mentioning that for actual ear penetration we have the obscure aural_penetration tag. I just know someday someone is going to be searching the forums to find out why we aliased away the "ear rape" tag because they have pictures of literal ear penetration and don't know what else to tag it. So when that happens? aural_penetration is the tag they're looking for.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I'm still wondering why ear_penetration was aliased to aural_penetration instead of the other way around. Aural_penetration just seems like the more awkward tag to me.

I agree that ear_penetration is a lot more approachable as a tag, and would be fine with reversing that alias if there's no objections. I mostly added that alias quick because I stumbled across it by accident and noticed that ear_penetration is probably a reasonable tag for someone to guess when looking for this type of thing. But it had only two uses for the same thing (and one was a deleted image) vs aural_penetration at 70-something uses. So I thought maybe it was just me that found aural slightly awkward, maybe it works fine the way it is (I wasn't going to flip the tags just for myself). But I aliased ear_penetration to it to help searchers end up in the right place no matter which one they guessed.

So I'm alright with flipped that one around, I just want to give people a chance to weigh in, see which one people prefer.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Yeah, would be best to flip it around. If I remember correctly, the only reason earsex was aliased that way around was because aural_penetration was tagged more.

As for the other issue, I'd definitely prefer sound_warning. For reasons already listed, and because it'd be consistent with the epilepsy_warning.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
it'd be consistent with the epilepsy_warning.

If not for any other reason, +1 based on just this.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
*gives you an internet cookie*

*tapes a penis to it*

Tada! e621 cookie :D

Updated by anonymous