Topic: [APPROVED] Tag implication: talonjob -> talons

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Wasn’t there a debate a while ago about whether to alias talons to claws, or implicate it instead? Currently it has neither. If the former is chosen, this wouldn’t be valid.

scaliespe said:
Wasn’t there a debate a while ago about whether to alias talons to claws, or implicate it instead? Currently it has neither. If the former is chosen, this wouldn’t be valid.

On my understanding
talons = bird feet/legs
Claws = toenails.

So I'm unsure about aliasing them.

The OP's implication sounds good though

It seems talons are the bird-exclusive (at least in real life) version of claws.

talon, n. A long, sharp, curved nail on the feet of some birds, especially birds of prey.

claw, n. One of the sharp curved nails on the end of an animal’s or a bird’s foot.

Claws are different from regular finger- or toenails in that there is a bone at their core. Remove the claw, and you remove the end section of the finger or toe. Remove the finger- or toenail, and you'll have a bloody mess, but the basic functioning of the digit will stay intact.

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