Topic: Tag Alias: gray_fur -> grey_fur

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Reason: Other forms of grey vs gray (gray_background and gray_hair) appear to already be aliased to the grey_ variant, but gray_fur is not. gray_fur has 92 posts while grey_fur has 317.

Updated by Halite

Hammie said:
American = gray

Implying this is exclusively an American site. Besides, we have precedent for it with the other gray->grey aliases.

Updated by anonymous

SierraAR said:
gray_fur has 92 posts while grey_fur has 317.

I absolutely love it when are different tags for the same word and yet different post counts. coc<~>corruption_of_champions

Hammie said:
American = gray

British, Canadian, Australian, Irish, New Zealand and South African = grey

Updated by anonymous

actually grey_fur has 1531 XD to gray's 120 XD

but yeah. Grey is the site standard. it doens't matter if it's american or european or whatever. You can still use then interchangeably.

Added :)

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
Implying this is exclusively an American site. Besides, we have precedent for it with the other gray->grey aliases.

No? I wasn't saying we should use gray, just that it's the American spelling.

Updated by anonymous

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