Topic: Confusion with living_condom

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I keep seeing the living condom tag being put on images that don't seem to warrant it.

I can understand instances where a character is specifically referred to as such, but I see a lot of times it's just slapped onto images that just feature two characters having sex. Posts like these and more are being labelled with living_condom just because some of the characters are being held in the fleshlight_position or because one character is smaller than the other. The last one in particular baffles me. That's just sex. What part of that is living_condom?

According to the wiki, all that a picture needs to have the living_condom tag is to include a living creature serving as a covering for the penis. How is that any different from any instance of penile penetration? Like this one! That's just sex!! There's no difference!! That's just sex!!!

I feel like it's mainly one user going around adding it to random images, too. I don't want to lay the blame on anyone who doesn't deserve it, but they've added living_condom to a lot of pictures that don't really need it. The majority of the images I've given as examples have had living_condom added by this user.

garfieldfromgarfield said:
I feel like it's mainly one user going around adding it to random images, too. I don't want to lay the blame on anyone who doesn't deserve it, but they've added living_condom to a lot of pictures that don't really need it. The majority of the images I've given as examples have had living_condom added by this user.

I have to admit, the more of these images I look at, and after reading the wiki page, this tag seems problematic from a TWYS perspective, so it's no surprise there are disagreements over its application.

living_condom said:
A situation in which a live creature is used as a "sentient condom", "cock sleeve", etc. The creature in question does not necessarily have to perform the implied function of a condom (e.g. contraception) but only has to serve as a covering for the penis in question. Instances where sex does occur may be anal_vore or unbirthing.

What is the definition, in terms of things we can see, of someone being "used as" a condom here? What specific "use" does a condom have beyond covering a penis? Would the tag only be applicable if the creature in question was wrapped around someone's penis while they use it to penetrate a third character? (Which still doesn't account for catch_condom and other circumstances.)

The second sentence makes it even worse by reassuring us that even the woolly definition in the first is totally optional. At this point I'm not sure if there even is a distinction between this and fleshlight_position, given that penile_masturbation can take place in an identical pose while wearing either a condom or a fleshlight, and small characters are neither of those things.

The tag should probably be purged to contain only actual sentient condoms, in line with all the other living_* tags.

wat8548 said:
The tag should probably be purged to contain only actual sentient condoms, in line with all the other living_* tags.

+1. An animate_inanimate kind of thing. Perhaps also alias it to condom_creature to make it clear it's for an actual condom that's alive.

Though given the 2k posts already using it, that will be a task and a half to clean up.

wat8548 said:

The tag should probably be purged to contain only actual sentient condoms

watsit said:
+1. An animate_inanimate kind of thing

i think this makes sense. then, should there be a new tag for instances in which a character is referred to as a condom, onahole, or some other form of semen receptacle? or would that just fall under dirty talk? would it be a dialogue tag?

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