To give some background, I have a select few tags that are blacklisted: Cub, loli, toddler, scat and piss. Those are my blacklist. I came onto the site today and searched "mind_control". I legit had a panic attack cause I then saw images, and I'll spare the details, a toddler and a Hypno. I legit thought I was logged out, so I checked and saw I was logged in. I checked my blacklist and saw that they were still there. So I tried removing the tags and putting them back into the blacklist, it wouldn't blacklist the post. I tried the "blacklist user" feature, that didn't work. I tried logging off and back on, didn't work. I closed the tab and even tried closing Opera GX, it didn't work. Idk what I'm doing wrong, but I've been having this issue with the blacklist today. I don't know if this is a bug or not. If it is, can this be fixed?