Topic: Give Me a Sec To Scream About How Dumb The Draugr From Skyrim Are, Dood. = =)

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For your listening pleasure while you read this Mad Rant, Dood T‿T)

The power level difference between literally everything else and Draugrs is ridiculous!
Deathlords by themselves have 1400 health and deal more than 250 per hit.
That is more damage and Health than a Got Dang Dragon, Dood!

Now I get that's the point, Draugrs for some reason is the
stand-out enemies that level up with the player for a challenge, Dood.

The thing is, this isn't a challenge. Fighting a dragon is a challenge,
and Fighting a Giant is a challenge but, Draugrs? They're tedious,
There's no fighting them or strat that you can use especially against them.
No fun strats anyway, Just bash lock them till they die after what feels like
hours of slapping them with your sword, Dood.

Stun slap slap, Stun slap slap, Stun slap slap.
They're way too tanky for the complete negative fun they offer.
And that's not even mentioning the mod Immersive creatures
that for some ludicrous reason made them
Even More Tanky and Deal EVEN MORE DAMAGE, DOOD!

And it's not even just immersive creatures that does this,
but loads of other mods that don't nerf these monsters but
make 'em even more powerful!


Their not fun and don't need a power boost that they shouldn't
have gotten in the first place, Dood!

*Pant* *Pant*


That's just how I feel about this, For the peeps who love skyrim
like I do. What do you think of these zombies, Dood?

Are you with me on completely hating these things or am I missing something here
and these peeps aren't that bad. Feel free to let me know about the Draugr or my
Mad 'Mad' Ramblings, Dood.

Drain enchantments work on undead. Although they may look like dragon shouts, technically they're magic and they use mana, same as the actual dragons. Literally only the player has a seperate dragon shout timer, everything else in the entire game uses mana. Set up a weapon or two with damage/drain magic and/or health if you have the double enchantment perk unlocked. This will neutralise the primary threat of higher level ones (spellcasters and shouts), as well as heal you on every hit.

Treat them, otherwise, exactly the same as any "human" opponent. They run on the same skeleton, they follow the same rules, just like Dremora. You can knock them down with knockdown, deplete their mana with lightning, so on. Cold doesn't work so well. Consider using a two-hander to trigger sync-kills more easily and more often. Part of the reason Draugr ore so difficult compared to dragons is that, while dragons stop scaling, draugr don't. Enchant your gloves, boots, necklace, and rings to improve your favoured weapons' damage, and slap magic resistance and health regen on everything else. Remember that fortify restoration improved the power of enchantments.

Just sing praises that you're not fighting Bloodmoon Draugr instead; those things zoomed and could kung-fu your ass into a new dimension.

votp said:
Drain enchantments work on undead. Although they may look like dragon shouts, technically they're magic and they use mana, same as the actual dragons. Literally only the player has a seperate dragon shout timer, everything else in the entire game uses mana. Set up a weapon or two with damage/drain magic and/or health if you have the double enchantment perk unlocked. This will neutralise the primary threat of higher level ones (spellcasters and shouts), as well as heal you on every hit.

Treat them, otherwise, exactly the same as any "human" opponent. They run on the same skeleton, they follow the same rules, just like Dremora. You can knock them down with knockdown, deplete their mana with lightning, so on. Cold doesn't work so well. Consider using a two-hander to trigger sync-kills more easily and more often. Part of the reason Draugr ore so difficult compared to dragons is that, while dragons stop scaling, draugr don't. Enchant your gloves, boots, necklace, and rings to improve your favoured weapons' damage, and slap magic resistance and health regen on everything else. Remember that fortify restoration improved the power of enchantments.

Just sing praises that you're not fighting Bloodmoon Draugr instead; those things zoomed and could kung-fu your ass into a new dimension.

Yeah, like many games in this genre, learn to exploit mechanics harderplay better. Seriously, this series is all about finding hidden weaknesses or cheating with potions/items. :D

votp said:
Drain enchantments work on undead. Although they may look like dragon shouts, technically they're magic and they use mana, same as the actual dragons. Literally only the player has a seperate dragon shout timer, everything else in the entire game uses mana. Set up a weapon or two with damage/drain magic and/or health if you have the double enchantment perk unlocked. This will neutralise the primary threat of higher level ones (spellcasters and shouts), as well as heal you on every hit.

Treat them, otherwise, exactly the same as any "human" opponent. They run on the same skeleton, they follow the same rules, just like Dremora. You can knock them down with knockdown, deplete their mana with lightning, so on. Cold doesn't work so well. Consider using a two-hander to trigger sync-kills more easily and more often. Part of the reason Draugr ore so difficult compared to dragons is that, while dragons stop scaling, draugr don't. Enchant your gloves, boots, necklace, and rings to improve your favoured weapons' damage, and slap magic resistance and health regen on everything else. Remember that fortify restoration improved the power of enchantments.

Just sing praises that you're not fighting Bloodmoon Draugr instead; those things zoomed and could kung-fu your ass into a new dimension.

alphamule said:
Yeah, like many games in this genre, learn to exploit mechanics harderplay better. Seriously, this series is all about finding hidden weaknesses or cheating with potions/items. :D

Whoa, had no idea the Mana system was so in-depth. (Tied to the enemies)
And I thought I had them on lockdown before with the bash lock glitch
I have not been giving you enough credit Shock enchantment, Dood!

And totally, When it comes to Draugr I have to bust out the OP crap
just to deal with them. The things I save especially for them like my
infinite enchantment armor (There's a glitch where if you have plus 100
destruction Spell cost reduction, Weapon enchantments last forever)
and my Drain Hea'th and Stamina weapon. At that point, I have to do
the sensual tingo tango with those zombies of casually Bash locking
them one at a time 'till they die, Dood.

It boils down to me doing this for about 5 minutes hoping not to get sniped by the archer I didn't notice in the background, Dood

But with that set up, I could really bring the pain, Dood!~★

As much pain as I saw looking up what a
BloodMoon Draugr is.
Dear heck, Dood!

lance_armstrong said:
At Least It's Not Oblivion, Dood

Oh my gosh, Every enemy would be a Draugr at that point, Dood! = =)

That leveling system sounds like it would be a good idea on paper
but, in practice, it would be a hellish version of the past Dragon
quest game, Dood!

Love the series but if you don't use your skill points wisely or consistently
there is just no recovering from that and your better off starting over, Dood.

If I remember right the Draugr should be weak to electricity. Use an electric spell or enchanted weapon. Elemental Blast works wonders as it deals electric, fire, health and magicka damage.

"It is also possible to continue to level after you have maxed out your skills by going to jail. See the Crime page for more information." LOL, that exploit.

Oblivion of course has one of the best exploits: Enchantment rewards on clearing a Daedric portal level. Morrowind is just plain broken. Oh, HP restoring ring outpacing everything. You can be vulnerable but invincible. :D

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