I'm setting up pools for long post chains and I recently ran into this chain (not finished yet due to api limits): post #2391369.
It's a humble work; no upvotes, ignored. The art isn't particularly good. When I was reading it I kept waiting for the sex to start happening. And then I got to the end. And I looked back through, and noticed the little details: the greeting hand sign that the bear gives to the wind, or that the mound in the first image is actually the tree from the last growing over time. This piece makes me sad in a good way. It's very satisfying. It tells a little moving story about growth and friendship and death with no words and 10 scribbles; I'm absolutely charmed.
Now back to work. The last image set I prepped was unbirthing. The next set is cock_vore. Truly the full breadth of sapient experience down here in the porn mines.