Topic: [Feature] Make wiki searching show tags that still don't have a wiki entry

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.

Originally suggested by this user in discord:
Currently, when searching for a tag in the wiki, it only suggests results to autocomplete your search if there already is a wiki for that.
Additionaly, even if you type the tag correctly, it sends you to an "empty result" search page, instead of an empty wiki page.

  • 1) My suggestion is to make it so the wiki autocomplete search system works just like searching tags in the tag page. If the tag exists, it will be suggested. (I believe this could be achieved by creating a search parameter called "Has wiki:")
  • 2) To more easily differentiate between tags that have and do-not have a wiki while searching, I may also suggest to add a ✅ or ❌ at the beggining of the tags being suggested in the autocomplete popup, or give them different background colors.

Why would it be useful?

Some tags may not have a wiki entry, but may already have existing aliases and implications.
Searching for the tag directly in the wiki is quite faster than going into the "Tags" page, searching your tag, and pressing the "?".

In example:

  • Typing iron_moth in the Tags page, suggests the tag in the autocomplete. Clicking the ? button sends to an empty wiki page.
  • Typing iron_moth in the Wiki page, doesn't suggest the tag in the autocomplete. Pressing enter sends you to a "no search results" wiki page.
  • The iron_moth tag has existing implications, but acquiring this information could be a bit faster.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

  • The wiki
  • Wiki search related code

gattonero2001 said:

Also it would be nice to have a link to the individual alias/implication pages in the relevant wikis, e.g. a link to implication #15504 in both feline and felid

And perhaps it would also be good to have information in the wiki about wether or not the tag is involved in pending BURs/aliases/implications, but I think that's better off as a future feature request

m3g4p0n1 said:
And perhaps it would also be good to have information in the wiki about wether or not the tag is involved in pending BURs/aliases/implications, but I think that's better off as a future feature request

That sounds lovely as well but unfortunately it sounds quite complicated to implement...

gattonero2001 said:
That sounds lovely as well but unfortunately it sounds quite complicated to implement...

Half of it would be easy: pending alias/implication requests are technically the same as existing ones with a different flag set. BURs would be another matter, but in any case I'm not sure this would be useful due to the volume of junk requests.

Also, just gonna plug this old thread: topic #31443

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