Topic: Tag Alias: stop_piercing -> bridge_piercing

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused about the use of that one... Yeah when I went through those tags, I remember seeing mostly nose and a few odd ear piercings but I never quite figured out what it was for so I just left the wiki blank.

Related, I thinkk that ear_tag should probably imply ear_piercing (and furry-specific_piercing?) while we're at it.

Updated by anonymous

I'm running a full attempt to search stop piercing, but the only result that comes up is e621 itself. I think a poster started the tag up and it started being used, but only here, nowhere else.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I'm running a full attempt to search stop piercing, but the only result that comes up is e621 itself. I think a poster started the tag up and it started being used, but only here, nowhere else.

Not that the term is useless, but I'm not sure the distinction is useful for us.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I'd have to agree. I also can't seem to find "stop piercing" on google (outside of this tag on this site), so it doesn't seem to be standard term at the very least. And "bridge piercing" is a standard term for the same type of piercing. I can't see any difference in the images tagged under both. Alias approved.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah I thought the stop was the bridge of the nose, but further research shows it's closer to the spot between their eyes. Fair enough.

Updated by anonymous