Currently, they have the following problems:
#1. Several color related tags are aliased when they should not be. Cyan_*, for example, is aliased to Blue_*, Dark_Grey_* is aliased to Grey_*.
This is a recurring problem because it makes tagging and searching certain images by color harder. For example, every one of these posts are tagged "blue_body":
post #3891546 post #3842191 post #3851616 post #3887112 post #3801333 post #3891144 post #3892325 post #3892423 post #3842205 post #3733729 post #3719288 post #3791362
Aliasng Cyan_* to Blue_* is as bad as aliasing Orange_* to Red_*.
#2. We need to encourage people to use these tags properly. Magenta_* exists, but most often the posts are tagged Pink_* instead. For example, Magenta_body has only 360 posts, meanwhile Pink_body has 88k posts.
Like examples above, all these posts are currently tagged "pink_body", I am most decidedly gonna fix this after posting this post:
post #3890460 post #3886720 post #3888839 post #3888561 post #3886522 post #3886114 post #3887264
First off, it is important that we set a baseline.
I will use this diagram as a baseline.
All the primary colors should be their own tag: Red, Green and Blue.
All the secondary colors should have their own tag: Yellow, Cyan and Magenta.
All the in-between colors, or tertiary colors, should be optional, maybe these can safely be aliased on a case-by-case basis: Orange, Chartreuse (It means yellow-green), Teal (or turquoise), Azure (Sometimes called sky blue), Purple (or violet) and Pink.
Any other color should always be aliased no matter what.
Now, about the shades, I think all the colors and most particularly the grays should have a dark_* and light_* variant. Let's say a character has dark fur, but really dark fur. In the current circumstances, do I use grey_fur or black_fur? Sometimes, I would spend an entire minute on this all because of some very dark gray fur. I really don't understand why dark_grey_* is not its own tag. Brown is a darker tone of the color orange and yet it is its own tag, it is not impicated to orange_* either.
A recent example that bothered me during upload was this post #3886244
This goes without saying that issue applies to all colors, there are several posts where the character has Lavender fur (light purple), i have posted several examples way above, but then again, they have been tagged pink_body instead of light_purple_body or lavender_body.