Topic: [Feature] Reject/edit our own replacement requests

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I recently made replacement requests for a couple images that were first posted a couple months ago from the artist's Twitter, as the artist recently posted the full size PNG to InkBunny. But for the second image I was a bit too unobservant and didn't realize it was already the full size PNG (despite only having the Twitter source like the first image). I'd like to be able to self-reject it since I know it's not a proper replacement, but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to. Having an option to reject our own replacement request would help clear out such mistakes quickly and easily, rather than having a moderator take time to look at it and hopefully realize it shouldn't be replaced.

There are also times where I may make a mistake in the replacement reason (a typo about where it's from, for example), and while that may be less of an issue for an otherwise acceptable replacement, my OCD wants me to fix it. Changing the actual image to replace is probably a bit much, but changing the reason and perhaps the source URL for our own still-pending replacements could help keep the replacement history accurate.

As an aside, I find it weird that we can only supply one source URL for a replacement. If an artist posts a better image to other galleries after it was posted here, only one additional source can be added with the replacement. You need to edit the post to add more sources, which if you're doing that anyway, makes the replacement's source URL field seem redundant.