The bulk update request #4331 is active.
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication gunbreaker (17) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication reaper_(ffxiv) (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication sage_(ffxiv) (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
remove implication alphinaud_leveilleur (44) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication amalj'aa (119) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication cid_nan_garlond (6) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication estinien_varlineau (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication hildibrand_manderville (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication meteor_survivor (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication minfilia_warde (11) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication nashu_mhakaracca (6) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication papalymo_totolymo (0) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication tataru_taru (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication thancred_waters (10) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication urianger_augurelt (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication y'shtola_rhul (372) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication yda_hext (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication alisaie_leveilleur (20) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication aymeric_de_borel (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
Reason: Bulk update request for Final Fantasy XIV to standardize characters, add implications, add aliases, fix an ambiguous species, and separate elements by expansion.
This set of changes does a few things:
- separates the various iterations of the characters, iconic jobs, and armor pieces (post #3920622 consists of Shadowbringers Thancred/Red Mage/Scholar/Monk and Endwalker Machinist.)
- enables specific expansions to be blacklisted as a means to avoid spoilers.
Tag schema/methodology
- Elements shared with XI are very specifically not implied, like Qiqirn and Carbuncles.
- Characters imply expansions based on their first appearance.
- Characters introduced in 1.0/Legacy, but who remain in A Realm Reborn, will thus not imply final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn, but iconic armor will.
- Posts depicting later events involving older characters, such as ARR characters dying in Heavensward, or Thancred becoming a Gunbreaker in Shadowbringers, can have the "newer" expansions tagged manually.
- The vast majority of the jobs and species portrayed in FFXIV are not original to FFXIV. In spite of this, a few do get implications for being original.
- Hrothgar, despite being original to Shadowbringers, do not get the tag because the race is locked behind expac ownership, not story progress, and their appearance will not differ significantly between expacs.
- Gunbreaker and Reaper are original (though the former is heavily based on Squall's job) to Shadowbringers and Endwalker respectively, but the jobs' existence is not a spoiler, and their appearance will differ significantly between expansion packs as new armor designs are introduced.
- Final Fantasy has had a "Sage" before, but the FFXIV design is very different.
- Character tags are rendered as full names when possible.
- For transformations that come along with a name change, such as Yotsuyu becoming Tsukuyomi, or Vauthry becoming Innocence, the prior form is also not implied because there could be a post portraying the multiple forms simultaneously.
- Character/species suffixes are standardized only for tags that specifically need them. "Reaper" is ambiguous. "Gunbreaker" is not. "Pixie" is ambiguous. "Nu Mou" is not.
- Alternative racial names are ignored. FFXIV's dwarves are just lalafell from a different planet.
More parts of this BUR to follow, along with some edits to catch "missing" tags.
EDIT: The bulk update request #4331 (forum #359741) has been approved by @slyroon.
Updated by auto moderator