Topic: [APPROVED] Have you heard of the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy XIV BUR?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4331 is active.

create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication gunbreaker (17) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication reaper_(ffxiv) (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication sage_(ffxiv) (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
remove implication alphinaud_leveilleur (44) -> final_fantasy_xiv (7393)
create implication amalj'aa (119) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication cid_nan_garlond (6) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication estinien_varlineau (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication hildibrand_manderville (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication meteor_survivor (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication minfilia_warde (11) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication nashu_mhakaracca (6) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication papalymo_totolymo (0) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication tataru_taru (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication thancred_waters (10) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication urianger_augurelt (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication y'shtola_rhul (372) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication yda_hext (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) (550)
create implication alisaie_leveilleur (20) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication aymeric_de_borel (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)

Reason: Bulk update request for Final Fantasy XIV to standardize characters, add implications, add aliases, fix an ambiguous species, and separate elements by expansion.

This set of changes does a few things:

  • separates the various iterations of the characters, iconic jobs, and armor pieces (post #3920622 consists of Shadowbringers Thancred/Red Mage/Scholar/Monk and Endwalker Machinist.)
  • enables specific expansions to be blacklisted as a means to avoid spoilers.

Tag schema/methodology

  • Elements shared with XI are very specifically not implied, like Qiqirn and Carbuncles.
  • Characters imply expansions based on their first appearance.
    • Characters introduced in 1.0/Legacy, but who remain in A Realm Reborn, will thus not imply final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn, but iconic armor will.
    • Posts depicting later events involving older characters, such as ARR characters dying in Heavensward, or Thancred becoming a Gunbreaker in Shadowbringers, can have the "newer" expansions tagged manually.
  • The vast majority of the jobs and species portrayed in FFXIV are not original to FFXIV. In spite of this, a few do get implications for being original.
    • Hrothgar, despite being original to Shadowbringers, do not get the tag because the race is locked behind expac ownership, not story progress, and their appearance will not differ significantly between expacs.
    • Gunbreaker and Reaper are original (though the former is heavily based on Squall's job) to Shadowbringers and Endwalker respectively, but the jobs' existence is not a spoiler, and their appearance will differ significantly between expansion packs as new armor designs are introduced.
    • Final Fantasy has had a "Sage" before, but the FFXIV design is very different.
  • Character tags are rendered as full names when possible.
    • For transformations that come along with a name change, such as Yotsuyu becoming Tsukuyomi, or Vauthry becoming Innocence, the prior form is also not implied because there could be a post portraying the multiple forms simultaneously.
  • Character/species suffixes are standardized only for tags that specifically need them. "Reaper" is ambiguous. "Gunbreaker" is not. "Pixie" is ambiguous. "Nu Mou" is not.
    • Alternative racial names are ignored. FFXIV's dwarves are just lalafell from a different planet.

More parts of this BUR to follow, along with some edits to catch "missing" tags.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4331 (forum #359741) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4332 is active.

create implication delivery_moogle (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication eos_(ffxiv) (17) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication g'raha_tia (36) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication haurchefant_greystone (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication karasu_kanshi (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication melusine_(ffxiv) (67) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication selene_(ffxiv) (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication y'mhitra_rhul (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication yugiri_mistwalker (9) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create alias vath (1) -> gnath (5)
create implication alphinaud_leveilleur (44) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn (195)
create implication ardbert (0) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication cait_sith_(ffxiv) (10) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication fray_myste (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication gnath (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication hraesvelgr (18) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication khloe_aliapoh (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication lyse_hext (4) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication nidhogg_(ffxiv) (7) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication shinryu_(ffxiv) (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication vanu_vanu (10) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create implication ysayle_dangoulain (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward (68)
create alias lupin (1) -> lupin_(disambiguation) (28)
change category lupin_(disambiguation) (28) -> invalid
create implication alpha_(ffxiv) (4) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68)

Reason: Part 2: ARR implications. Unimplying Alphinaud here to correct his implication in part 3.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4332 (forum #359742) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4333 is active.

create implication ananta (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68)
create implication lakshmi_(ffxiv) (4) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68)
create implication lupin_(ffxiv) (50) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68)
create implication sadu_dotharl (6) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68)
create implication tsukuyomi_(ffxiv) (0) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68)
create implication yotsuyu_brutus (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood (68)
create implication aenc_thon (9) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication bajsaljen_ulgasch (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication feo_ul (28) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication innocence_(ffxiv) (14) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication marsak_apella (10) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication runar_(ffxiv) (81) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication ryne_waters (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication seraph_(ffxiv) (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication seto_(ffxiv) (0) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication shadowkeeper_(ffxiv) (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication sin_eater (27) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication titania_(ffxiv) (5) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers (185)
create implication azeyma (3) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127)
create implication livingway (10) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127)
create implication loporrit (107) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127)
create implication nald_(ffxiv) (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127)
create implication nophica (2) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127)
create implication puddingway (1) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127)
create implication thal_(ffxiv) (4) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker (127)

Reason: Part 3: HW. By TWYS, vath are just gnath with blue clothes.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4333 (forum #359743) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

Bumping to edit stuff, further standardize names, and discuss a few topics of interest. Firstly, here's a copy of the previous BURS prior to editing.

Old BURs

implicate final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy) -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate gunbreaker -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate reaper_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate sage_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate amalj'aa -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate cid_nan_garlond -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate estinien_varlineau -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate hildibrand_manderville -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate meteor_survivor -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
alias minfilia -> minfilia_warde
implicate minfilia_warde -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate nashu_mhakaracca -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate papalymo_totolymo -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate tataru_taru -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate urianger_augurelt -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate thancred_waters -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate y'shtola_rhul -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate yda_hext -> final_fantasy_xiv_(legacy)
implicate alisaie_leveilleur -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
unimplicate alphinaud_leveilleur -> final_fantasy_xiv
implicate aymeric_de_borel -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate delivery_moogle -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate eos_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate g'raha_tia -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate haurchefant_greystone -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate karasu_kanshi -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate melusine_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
alias melusine_(final_fantasy_xiv) -> melusine_(ffxiv)
implicate selene_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate y'mhitra_rhul -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate yugiri_mistwalker -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate alphinaud_leveilleur -> final_fantasy_xiv:_a_realm_reborn
implicate ardbert -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate cait_sith_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
alias cait_sith_(ff14) -> cait_sith_(ffxiv)
implicate gnath -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate hraesvelgr -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate khloe_aliapoh -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate lyse_hext -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate nidhogg_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate shinryu_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate vanu_vanu -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate ysayle_dangoulain -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
alias ysayle_iceheart -> ysayle_dangoulain
alias vath -> gnath
alias gnath_(final_fantasy_xiv) -> gnath
implicate alpha_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
implicate ananta -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
implicate lakshmi_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
alias lupin -> lupin_(disambiguation)
category lupin_(disambiguation) -> invalid
implicate lupin_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
implicate tsukuyomi_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
implicate yotsuyu_brutus -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
implicate aenc_thon -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate feo_ul -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate innocence_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate runar_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate ryne -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate seto_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate seraph_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate shadowkeeper_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate sin_eater -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate titania_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate livingway -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
implicate loporrit -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
implicate puddingway -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
implicate nald_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
implicate thal_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
implicate venat_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
alias estinien -> estinien_varlineau
alias papalymo -> papalymo_totolymo
implicate fray_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_heavensward
implicate bajsaljen_ulgasch -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate marsak_apella -> final_fantasy_xiv:_shadowbringers
implicate azeyma_(ffxiv) -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker
implicate sadu_dotharl -> final_fantasy_xiv:_stormblood
implicate nophica -> final_fantasy_xiv:_endwalker

I spoke with other staff to try and figure out if we had a specific policy on spoilers in things like character names. The consensus seems to be "no", though one in particular proposed a 5-year cutoff. The only names I consider really spoilery, Myste in the Stormblood Dark Knight quests for his relation to Fray Myste (whose tag I established without the surname) and Lyse Hext, for assuming the name of her dead sister Yda Hext until The Far Edge of Fate, are both well past this cutoff. One is optional content and literally can't be found anywhere in the game after their associated expansion, the other becomes increasingly less relevant as time goes on, Yda is revealed to have a sister long before her identity comes into question, and Fray Myste's full name was revealed before Stormblood's launch, so I don't particularly mind using their full names. If anybody is strongly opinionated about those character names, speak up.

To summarize the important stuff compared to the previous BURs:

  • Updated all Estinien, Papalymo, Ysayle, Minfilia, Ryne, Fray posts to use the full name. If the BUR passes, it will be trivial to go back and remove the shorter tag names.
    • Removed the Ysayle Iceheart (Iceheart is a title and not her actual surname) → Ysayle Dangoulain alias, it's only one post and "ysayle" should bring up the proper tag anyway while searching/editing.
  • Updated Azeyma to remove the suffix.
  • Kept suffixes for the following characters/species due to known non-FFXIV counterparts:
    • Alpha
    • Lupin
    • Nidhogg
    • Seto
    • Shadowkeeper
    • Shinryu
    • Titania
    • Tsukuyomi
    • Venat
  • Didn't touch Runar aside from the Shadowbringers implication. The upcoming Encyclopedia Eorzea 3 might reveal his surname, as preview screenshots have established Ryne goes by "Ryne Waters".
  • Kept the Cait Sith (FF14) → Cait Sith (FFXIV) alias, official media is very consistent about using the "XIV" stylization.
  • Kept the vath → gnath alias, it's a subset of the same species wearing different clothes and not being part of their shared hivemind (irrelevant to TWYS).
  • Removed the gnath_(final_fantasy_xiv) alias, it's just the same tag but longer, there doesn't seem to be anything ambiguous about "gnath" and the only other tags starting with "gnath" are significantly longer.
