Topic: [APPROVED] Toreador, BUR Awaits You!

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4409 is active.

create alias matador (11) -> bullfighter (12)
create alias toreador (4) -> bullfighter (12)
create alias torero (3) -> bullfighter (12)

Reason: These are all titles for what is basically the same thing: bullfighters. We Anglos associate the matador with the guy out there in the fancy outfit (embroidered in gold for the master matador de toros; in silver for his subalternos juniors) flapping that red cape about, but that's actually the matador de toros who is the one who kills the bull (in Spain) or subdues him during the performance (in Portugal; the bull is either butchered out of sight of the crowd or, if he did a good job, is healed and retired to pasture). Torero is the Spanish word for a bullfighter, and toureiro the Portuguese (but is not used here on e621). Toreador is a synonym.

Other bullfighters include (frequently as subalternos) the picador, who is one of the two bullfighters on horseback during the first (of three) stages of a Spanish-style bullfight; the rejoneador, who is a bullfighter on horseback, especially during certain styles of bullfighting are mounted on horseback; and the banderillero, who sticks those little flags on sticks in the bull's shoulders. None of these are tagged and likely never will be so aren't included in this BUR.

This BUR seeks to consolidate the four existing bullfighter tags into one. Bullfighter was chosen as the target tag as I believe it will be the easiest to understand for the most users.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4409 (forum #360422) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

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