Topic: door* tags BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4444 is pending approval.

create alias door_frame (1) -> doorframe (515)
create alias doorknocker (7) -> door_knocker (20)
create alias door_knob (56) -> doorknob (912)
create implication doorknob (912) -> door_handle (197)

Reason: Some duplicate door* tags:

door_frame and doorframe are both tags: but neither has wiki.
(Wikipedia doesn't have article specifically for this)

68 posts tagged with door_frame
135 posts tagged with doorframe

doorknocker and door_knocker are both tags: neither has wiki.
wikipedia article is

(8 posts tagged with door_knocker
5 posts tagged with doorknocker)

doorknob and door_knob both tags.
Wiki at doorknob. redirects to which starts with "A door handle or doorknob ..."
(Suggesting implication to door_handle, because doorknob is type of door handle)

*door*knob* tags:

*doorknob* tags:
1) 465 . . . doorknob
2) 1 . . . hand_on_doorknob
3) 1 . . . star_doorknob
4) 1 . . . tie_on_doorknob

*door_knob* tags:
1) 1 . . . brown_door_knob
3) 1 . . . dark_door_knob
4) 33 . . . door_knob
5) 1 . . . metal_door_knob
6) 1 . . . wood_door_knob

There's also doorway. What if both doorframe and door_frame were aliased to doorway? Doorframe refers to the slabs of wood on the sides and top of a doorway, right? So then doorway would technically be the more general term, or at least it feels that way to me

cloudpie said:
There's also doorway. What if both doorframe and door_frame were aliased to doorway? Doorframe refers to the slabs of wood on the sides and top of a doorway, right? So then doorway would technically be the more general term, or at least it feels that way to me

However would it not be possible for a doorway not to have a doorframe? Or are we just squabbling over definitions here?

And we can just have door frame imply doorway


listerthesquirrel said:
*door_knob* tags:
1) 1 . . . brown_door_knob
3) 1 . . . dark_door_knob
4) 33 . . . door_knob
5) 1 . . . metal_door_knob
6) 1 . . . wood_door_knob

I guess once this BUR goes through, that will be the next one: Changing those from *_door_knob to *_doorknob. ;-)

But seriously, this BUR sounds 100% good to me, I will +1. I especially like how well you researched it, checking all existing tags, the post counts, wiki pages, spelling, Wikipedia articles, ... Nice to see that you got a green bar for doing more good work like this.
(Sorry I'm late with my +1, I didn't see this thread until Cloudpie bumped it yesterday.)

snpthecat said:

cloudpie said:
There's also doorway. What if both doorframe and door_frame were aliased to doorway?

However would it not be possible for a doorway not to have a doorframe? Or are we just squabbling over definitions here?

Nono, I too thought that that alias doesn't feel right. My thought was that doorway and doorframe are different things: The doorframe is the decoration on the side, the doorway is the opening in the wall that one walks through. I would never say that I walked through a doorframe, somehow that feels wrong (but maybe that's just me). Your thought of the doorway without a frame is good too, though.

snpthecat said:
And we can just have door frame imply doorway

I guess we could do that. I actually just did a Google Images search to see if I could find any case of a doorframe that was installed without an actual doorway, just as a design element, but I couldn't find any. Doorways without doorframes, on the other hand, seem to be a thing nowadays. I found multiple manufacturers who are marketing frameless doors as an "element of modern design". Example [Jpeg image, 52kB]

To clarify my doorway/doorframe comment: My thought was that they are close enough to the same thing that they should all be the same tag, I just think doorway is the better name for that tag. Having them be separate tags seems like overkill.

cloudpie said:
To clarify my doorway/doorframe comment: My thought was that they are close enough to the same thing that they should all be the same tag, I just think doorway is the better name for that tag. Having them be separate tags seems like overkill.

That makes sense. Probably noone is going to search e621 specifically only for framed or only for frameless doors.

Plus I checked the posts tagged with doorframe and it seems that doorframe and doorway are being used synonymously. There are currently quite a few frameless doors tagged with doorframe. If taggers aren't paying attention to the difference, then I guess it isn't worth having the two seperate tags.

So I'd be OK with aliasing doorframe -> doorway and door_frame -> doorway.