Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: twin_dragons -> twin_dragons_(webcomic)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Why not reverse it, so the main tag is just twin_dragons, to match twokinds? Is there some other property called twin dragons? Twin_dragons has never been used before to tag dragon siblings or anything like that. Never been used before at all actually

Universal rule: If a tag is unambiguous enough to be aliased to a version of itself with a suffix, it is unambiguous enough to not need that suffix.

cloudpie said:
Why not reverse it, so the main tag is just twin_dragons, to match twokinds? Is there some other property called twin dragons? Twin_dragons has never been used before to tag dragon siblings or anything like that. Never been used before at all actually

From the other thread:

snowwolf said:
At risk of splitting hairs, Twin Dragons is a Jackie Chan movie from 1992

Also the name of like 1000 Chinese food places :p

I thought it was the name of a video game, but I was thinking of Double Dragon.

it's also the name of like 1000 Chinese food places.

Is that enough? I dunno. I want Chinese.

Of course, Snow does admit to splitting hares there, so an argument could still be made to flip it, especially since the likelihood of that particular Jackie Chan movie or any one of those Chinese food places getting tagged is negligible.