Topic: [APPROVED] Tag implication: tsaagan -> dromaeosaurid

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

According to that wikipedia link, it is also part of the subfamily Velociraptorinae which then is part of -> Dromaesauridae .

So should this actually implicate to -> the velociraptor tag instead? (which is already implicated to dromaeosaurid, so it still gets this implication as well, but more indirectly). So I think that would work?

Correct me though if that's not actually the equivalent tag for this. Or if you spot any problems with doing it that way instead.

furrypickle said:
According to that wikipedia link, it is also part of the subfamily Velociraptorinae which then is part of -> Dromaesauridae .

So should this actually implicate to -> the velociraptor tag instead? (which is already implicated to dromaeosaurid, so it still gets this implication as well, but more indirectly). So I think that would work?

I'm currently leaning towards no. If we had a velociraptorine tag that Velociraptor and related implied and that also implied Dromaeosaurid, then we could imply Tsaagan to that. But to Velociraptor itself? I'd think that would be like implying badger to weasel instead of musteline. Tsaagan is related to Velociraptor, but isn't the same genus of animals.

(Ah, too bad Darren Naish isn't a furry. :p )

clawstripe said:
I'm currently leaning towards no. If we had a velociraptorine tag that Velociraptor and related implied and that also implied Dromaeosaurid, then we could imply Tsaagan to that. But to Velociraptor itself? I'd think that would be like implying badger to weasel instead of musteline. Tsaagan is related to Velociraptor, but isn't the same genus of animals.

(Ah, too bad Darren Naish isn't a furry. :p )

Ah perfect! Thank you for that. This is exactly why I wanted another set of eyes on it. I have only passing knowledge of dinosaur classification (some of which has been changed around since I learned it), and only a loose sense of how our tags for their classification groups aligns with the more scientific groupings. So I wasn't sure if we were using it as a hub of Velociraptorinae but with an informalized version of the name vs specifically just for velociraptors alone. But looking closer at it now in light of your points, it looks like a few of the other tags implicated directly to dromaeosaurid are also in the Velociraptorinae subfamily. So then the OP implication would be consistent with how those other tag implications are handling the link here.

So now that this question is cleared up, I can approve it without any doubt about it.

(lol, I suppose it might depend on how you define a furry. But he certainly has a huge interest in the ferals of a specific branch of animals. And he probably collects some artwork for them. So surely that gets partial furry points? maybe...)

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