Topic: How to Contact Artist to Determine if Art is DNP

Posted under General

I was browsing Pixiv and stumbled upon an image that would fit well on this site. I'm not sure I can contact the artist to ask if it is okay to upload their work since I don't speak japanese. Here's a link to the image, may require login. I'm making this post after having read the DNP guide, so I'm pretty sure this is the right course of action.


Updated by Genjar

You could try asking Wous to compose a letter for you, i'd say that google tradutor is probably not a good idea.

You could also try to ask the artist in english, who knows he might speak english.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Just_Another_Dragon said:
You could try asking Wous to compose a letter for you, i'd say that google tradutor is probably not a good idea.

It absolutely isn't.
Google translates even simple phrases as total gibberish that won't make any sense to native Japanese speaker.

Updated by anonymous