Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: 46_panel_comic -> invalid_tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

It might be better to alias to comic instead. A 46-panel comic is a comic, so the tag will never be incorrect, and people won't have to clean up more invalid_tags from it.

IMO, all the specific panel counts can be aliased away too, since it can be ambiguous (is this six or nine panels? ), and doesn't seem particularly useful to searching/blacklisting even when it is more obvious. Except maybe a tag for single-panel comics, since they tend to be styled in a more specific way.

Well, given that there's entirely one example and it seems like it would have been better to somehow show that it was a huge frigging comic, this makes no sense to exist as a tag. It's not like there's a meme of making exactly 46-panel comics. I wonder if there is a tag for a comic with a VERY large vertical height. Is it possible to search for aspect ratio with a comparison like ">1:5"? I could have sworn I saw a tag for large vertical comics like this. 46 panels was ridiculous, though!

Ah, I believe I found it! tall_image + comic This will find comics with at least a 4-to-1 ratio in vertical's favor. i.e. <=1:4

Went ahead and deleted it since it's not likely to ever appear again. Janitor intervention not really necessary for these kinds of cases.
post #3571403 Talllllllll comic :D


watsit said:
It might be better to alias to comic instead. A 46-panel comic is a comic, so the tag will never be incorrect, and people won't have to clean up more invalid_tags from it.

IMO, all the specific panel counts can be aliased away too, since it can be ambiguous (is this six or nine panels? ), and doesn't seem particularly useful to searching/blacklisting even when it is more obvious. Except maybe a tag for single-panel comics, since they tend to be styled in a more specific way.

Alrighty, seems like thatd be a good idea