Topic: Sagittarii is not a character

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4810 is pending approval.

create alias sagittarii (29) -> invalid_tag (7)

Reason: The character tag sagittarii does not refer to an actual character. The tag refers a FurAffinity user named Sagittarii ( ), who owns the characters under that tag. Those characters being Sophia, Chee and Swift

The names of these characters are from the FA user's gallery (

Posts that feature these characters


watsit said:
It should be invalidated then, since we don't tag character owners. That information is best put in the characters' wiki pages.

Noted & Updated

watsit said:
It should be aliased to invalid_tag like other character owners have been, to prevent people from trying to use it despite being in the Invalid category.

Updated the script.
