Topic: [REJECTED] stated_age implications

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4885 has been rejected.

create implication stated_adult (414) -> stated_age (1094)
create alias stated_underage (9) -> stated_young (395)
create implication stated_young (395) -> stated_age (1094)

Reason: This is, effectively, what those tags are. Of the 247 posts that have stated_age, only 54 appear to lack the more specific tags (stated_age -stated_adult -stated_underage). This is also something I'd expect to slowly come up more often in a post-upload policy 2.7 world.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4885 (forum #366655) has been rejected by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

What about when it is only stated that a character is adult or underage, but not the actual age? That wouldn't justify tagging stated_age, imo.

stated_underage -stated_age contains a few of those. post #3912026 is an example where it is merely stated that the character is "a kid", but no age is given. I feel that this is rightfully not tagged with stated_age.

fintose said:
What about when it is only stated that a character is adult or underage, but not the actual age? That wouldn't justify tagging stated_age, imo.

stated_underage -stated_age contains a few of those. post #3912026 is an example where it is merely stated that the character is "a kid", but no age is given. I feel that this is rightfully not tagged with stated_age.

imo age doesn't have to only mean a specific number, it can also be a category, like underage or adult

cloudpie said:
imo age doesn't have to only mean a specific number, it can also be a category, like underage or adult

OK, I always thought "age" to mean the number. So I guess that is basically the question we are deciding by accepting or rejecting this implication: Must age be a number, or is any reference to how old one is enough? Hopefully we'll get some more opinions from other users. I'd like more input on this before deciding.

Btw, I like your idea of changing stated_underage to stated_young in order to fit the widely used young tag, definitely +1 to that.

Looks like someone nuked stated_adult with no discussion :/

Oh also Lafcadio, I think stated_underage should be renamed to stated_young to match all the young tags, do you agree?

cloudpie said:
Looks like someone nuked stated_adult with no discussion :/

Oh also Lafcadio, I think stated_underage should be renamed to stated_young to match all the young tags, do you agree?

Made the latter change (though this now means both BURs are effectively the same), and the former issue will be handled shortly.

I was thinking about it and I guess I can see why that person nuked stated_adult, since maybe it would be considered the default like the regular adult tag...? Idk, maybe it could just be searched with stated_age -stated_young
I'm neutral on its inclusion I guess, but still definitely +1 for stated_underage A-> stated_young and stated_young I-> stated_age