The tag alias #62596 starfall-spark -> justafallingstar has been approved.
Reason: Artist name update.
EDIT: The tag alias starfall-spark -> justafallingstar (forum #366954) has been approved by @gattonero2001.
Updated by auto moderator
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag alias #62596 starfall-spark -> justafallingstar has been approved.
Reason: Artist name update.
EDIT: The tag alias starfall-spark -> justafallingstar (forum #366954) has been approved by @gattonero2001.
Updated by auto moderator
Showing your work helps the Admins. For example, the JustAFallingStar FA has several links in its Contact Information, of which there's one to the Starfall-Spark DA, which not just links back but also links to the Starfall-Spark Derpibooru profile. The Derpibooru profile links to the justafallingstar Tumblr which is titled as "Vibrant Star", the same name used for the Just A Falling Star Twitter, which all of the previous;y linked pages themselves link to.
The tag alias starfall-spark -> justafallingstar (forum #366954) has been approved by @gattonero2001.