Topic: [APPROVED] Step-relatives to lore BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4935 is active.

remove alias step_dad (0) -> stepfather (0)
remove alias stepdad (0) -> stepfather (0)
remove alias step_father (0) -> stepfather (0)
remove alias step-mother (0) -> stepmother (0)
remove alias step_mother (0) -> stepmother (0)
remove alias stepmom (0) -> stepmother (0)
remove alias step_mom (0) -> stepmother (0)
remove alias step-mom (0) -> stepmother (0)
remove alias step-mother_and_step-son (0) -> stepmother_and_stepson (0)
remove alias step_parents (0) -> stepparent (0)
remove alias step_parent (0) -> stepparent (0)
remove alias stepparents (0) -> stepparent (0)
remove alias step_daughter (0) -> stepdaughter (0)
remove alias step_son (0) -> stepson (0)
remove alias step-son (0) -> stepson (0)
remove alias step_sister (0) -> stepsister (0)
remove alias step-sister (0) -> stepsister (0)
remove alias step_brother (0) -> stepbrother (0)
remove alias step-brother (0) -> stepbrother (0)
remove alias stepsiblings (0) -> stepsibling (0)
remove alias step_siblings (0) -> stepsibling (0)
remove alias step_brothers (0) -> stepbrothers (0)
remove alias step-sisters (0) -> stepsisters (0)

Reason: We've done biological relatives, we've done adopted relatives, now this should hopefully be the last of the Great Loreification.

I think these are all the existing aliases. There do not appear to be any existing implications. Some of these aliases are strangely haphazard, especially the last two. (stepsisters doesn't even have any posts.)

EDIT: The bulk update request #4935 (forum #367049) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4936 is active.

create alias stepfather (0) -> stepfather_(lore) (262)
create alias stepfather_and_stepchild (0) -> stepfather_and_stepchild_(lore) (186)
create alias stepfather_and_stepdaughter (0) -> stepfather_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (65)
create alias stepfather_and_stepson (0) -> stepfather_and_stepson_(lore) (116)
create alias stepmother (0) -> stepmother_(lore) (124)
create alias stepmother_and_stepchild (0) -> stepmother_and_stepchild_(lore) (78)
create alias stepmother_and_stepdaughter (0) -> stepmother_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (20)
create alias stepmother_and_stepson (0) -> stepmother_and_stepson_(lore) (56)
create alias stepparent (0) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create alias stepparent_and_stepchild (0) -> stepparent_and_stepchild_(lore) (268)
create alias stepparent_and_stepdaughter (0) -> stepparent_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (86)
create alias stepparent_and_stepson (0) -> stepparent_and_stepson_(lore) (175)
create alias stepdaughter (0) -> stepdaughter_(lore) (119)
create alias stepson (0) -> stepson_(lore) (216)
create alias stepsister (0) -> stepsister_(lore) (347)
create alias stepbrother (0) -> stepbrother_(lore) (351)
create alias stepsibling (0) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)
create alias stepbrothers (0) -> stepbrothers_(lore) (25)
create alias stepsisters (0) -> stepsisters_(lore) (0)
create alias stepbrother_and_stepsister (0) -> stepbrother_and_stepsister_(lore) (250)

Reason: Part 2: the main aliases.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4936 (forum #367052) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4937 is active.

change category stepfather_(lore) (262) -> lore
change category stepfather_and_stepchild_(lore) (186) -> lore
change category stepfather_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (65) -> lore
change category stepfather_and_stepson_(lore) (116) -> lore
change category stepmother_(lore) (124) -> lore
change category stepmother_and_stepchild_(lore) (78) -> lore
change category stepmother_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (20) -> lore
change category stepmother_and_stepson_(lore) (56) -> lore
change category stepparent_(lore) (389) -> lore
change category stepparent_and_stepchild_(lore) (268) -> lore
change category stepparent_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (86) -> lore
change category stepparent_and_stepson_(lore) (175) -> lore
change category stepdaughter_(lore) (119) -> lore
change category stepson_(lore) (216) -> lore
change category stepsister_(lore) (347) -> lore
change category stepbrother_(lore) (351) -> lore
change category stepsibling_(lore) (430) -> lore
change category stepbrothers_(lore) (25) -> lore
change category stepsisters_(lore) (0) -> lore
change category stepbrother_and_stepsister_(lore) (250) -> lore

Reason: Part 3: why

EDIT: The bulk update request #4937 (forum #367053) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4938 is active.

create alias step_dad (0) -> stepfather_(lore) (262)
create alias step-dad (0) -> stepfather_(lore) (262)
create alias stepdad (0) -> stepfather_(lore) (262)
create alias step_father (0) -> stepfather_(lore) (262)
create alias step-father (0) -> stepfather_(lore) (262)
create alias step_mom (0) -> stepmother_(lore) (124)
create alias step-mom (0) -> stepmother_(lore) (124)
create alias stepmom (0) -> stepmother_(lore) (124)
create alias step_mother (0) -> stepmother_(lore) (124)
create alias step-mother (0) -> stepmother_(lore) (124)
create alias step_parents (0) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create alias step-parents (0) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create alias stepparents (0) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create alias step_parent (0) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create alias step-parent (0) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create alias step_daughter (0) -> stepdaughter_(lore) (119)
create alias step-daughter (0) -> stepdaughter_(lore) (119)
create alias step_son (0) -> stepson_(lore) (216)
create alias step-son (0) -> stepson_(lore) (216)
create alias step_sister (0) -> stepsister_(lore) (347)
create alias step-sister (0) -> stepsister_(lore) (347)
create alias step_brother (0) -> stepbrother_(lore) (351)
create alias step-brother (0) -> stepbrother_(lore) (351)
create alias step_siblings (0) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)
create alias step-siblings (0) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)

Reason: Part 4a: proposed new supplementary aliases.

Since the previous aliases were so spotty, I thought it best to redo them from the ground up instead of simply copying them. I tried to not leave random cases uncovered like the previous step-relative aliases, while not going completely overboard as in the infamous case of the biological relative aliases.

I also elected not to include any aliases for compound tags. This is something we could revisit in the future if it becomes necessary, but covering all cases would balloon this BUR to a silly size and I'm sure we're all sick of that by now. The only previously existing compound tag alias, step-mother_and_step-son, has been used twice in history (one of which was by klorpa) and the longest it remained on a post was three days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4938 (forum #367054) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #4939 is active.

create alias stepsiblings (0) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)
create alias step_sibling (0) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)
create alias step-sibling (0) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)
create alias step_brothers (0) -> stepbrothers_(lore) (25)
create alias step-brothers (0) -> stepbrothers_(lore) (25)
create alias step_sisters (0) -> stepsisters_(lore) (0)
create alias step-sisters (0) -> stepsisters_(lore) (0)

Reason: Part 4b: the rest of the supplementary aliases.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4939 (forum #367055) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

wat8548 said:

change category *_(lore) (0) -> lore # missing

Reason: Part 3: why

The tags need to be added to a post before being used in a BUR. You can just add the relevant tags to a deleted post and then reverse the change, for example.

gattonero2001 said:
The tags need to be added to a post before being used in a BUR. You can just add the relevant tags to a deleted post and then reverse the change, for example.

It needs to be done by an admin. Regular users can't create lore tags, even in the general category.

The bulk update request #4941 is active.

create implication stepfather_(lore) (262) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create implication stepmother_(lore) (124) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create implication stepfather_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (65) -> stepparent_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (86)
create implication stepfather_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (65) -> stepfather_and_stepchild_(lore) (186)
create implication stepfather_and_stepson_(lore) (116) -> stepparent_and_stepson_(lore) (175)
create implication stepfather_and_stepson_(lore) (116) -> stepfather_and_stepchild_(lore) (186)
create implication stepfather_and_stepchild_(lore) (186) -> stepparent_and_stepchild_(lore) (268)
create implication stepfather_and_stepchild_(lore) (186) -> stepfather_(lore) (262)
create implication stepmother_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (20) -> stepparent_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (86)
create implication stepmother_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (20) -> stepmother_and_stepchild_(lore) (78)
create implication stepmother_and_stepson_(lore) (56) -> stepparent_and_stepson_(lore) (175)
create implication stepmother_and_stepson_(lore) (56) -> stepmother_and_stepchild_(lore) (78)
create implication stepmother_and_stepchild_(lore) (78) -> stepparent_and_stepchild_(lore) (268)
create implication stepmother_and_stepchild_(lore) (78) -> stepmother_(lore) (124)
create implication stepparent_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (86) -> stepparent_and_stepchild_(lore) (268)
create implication stepparent_and_stepdaughter_(lore) (86) -> stepdaughter_(lore) (119)
create implication stepparent_and_stepson_(lore) (175) -> stepparent_and_stepchild_(lore) (268)
create implication stepparent_and_stepson_(lore) (175) -> stepson_(lore) (216)
create implication stepparent_and_stepchild_(lore) (268) -> stepparent_(lore) (389)
create implication stepbrother_(lore) (351) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)
create implication stepsister_(lore) (347) -> stepsibling_(lore) (430)
create implication stepbrothers_(lore) (25) -> stepbrother_(lore) (351)
create implication stepsisters_(lore) (0) -> stepsister_(lore) (347)
create implication stepbrother_and_stepsister_(lore) (250) -> stepbrother_(lore) (351)
create implication stepbrother_and_stepsister_(lore) (250) -> stepsister_(lore) (347)

Reason: Part 5: proposed new implication tree. (Woo, exactly 25 lines!)

I ran into an unexpected snag with this one. While looking at the existing umbrella tags - all of which have seen use, despite the lack of implications - I suddenly realised that we do not have any implications to or from parent_and_son or parent_and_daughter. Then I looked those tags up, and they have hundreds of uses each - again, despite having no implications. This presents a three-way dilemma:

  • Should we declare all un-gendered parent with gendered offspring tags to be invalid, and nuke both the bio and step versions despite existing usage?
  • Should we change the bio implication tree to match the step tags?
  • Should we follow bio's lead and quietly pretend these tags don't exist?

My opinion is that we should go with option 2. Considering these tags have never been added automatically, they have amassed a quite impressive record of usage, which suggests there is a demand. So I incorporated them into the step-relative implication tree, and I'll make another BUR over on the Thread From Hell to sort the bio versions out.

The other interesting question here is whether we should make stepchild a valid tag. Technically, there is nothing stopping us. There is currently no umbrella tag for gender-neutral biological offspring because child is used to denote character age, and it is unlikely we will ever manage to shift that usage. But stepchild has no such issue hanging over its head. For consistency's sake, as well as the fact stepchild has 0 posts and no aliases, I decided not to.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4941 (forum #367058) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

gattonero2001 said:
The tags need to be added to a post before being used in a BUR. You can just add the relevant tags to a deleted post and then reverse the change, for example.

Approving part 2 should have the same effect of creating the tags, thus making part 3 work.

wat8548 said:
Approving part 2 should have the same effect of creating the tags, thus making part 3 work.

In this case, that would not have been a concern, but when a group of tags is in a very large number of posts, changing their category is extremely demanding in terms of server power and can cause the issues I mentioned elsewhere. Which is why it's better to always change the category while it affects 0 active posts as a habit.

faucet said:
It needs to be done by an admin. Regular users can't create lore tags, even in the general category.

In retrospect, that does make sense, but still unexpected :p

I like how not a single one of these tags was above 100 posts before this thread, but now four of them are.

Implications: They Work.

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