Topic: I'm bisexual and I prefer girls in real life, but when it comes to yiff I prefer guys. Anyone else experience this?

Posted under General

Yo, so I would say that in real life I'm about 60 to 70% straight. However, I was looking at my favorites and I noticed that I have a lot more male/male yiff than male/female yiff and I often fantasize about gay furry stuff. Does anyone else who is bisexual/bi curious experience something like this? My guess is that it has to do with faces. I like guys' bodies, but their faces are usually something that I'm usually more picky about. But replace that with a cute dog or rabbit and you have a pretty good combination of sexy and cute.


peacethroughpower said:
Try femboys.

Yes sir, good taste. Although I'm also a fan of bara and have a lot in my faves, although in real life I don't know if I'd go out with a super buff dude. It's so weird.

hmmm, I'm bisexual a well. I prefer women too, but when it comes to NSFW I'm more of a loose canon. I'm sexually attracted to pretty much ANYTHING if it catches my eye.
For me it all boil down to my taste in aesthetics and appeal.

I like buff strong women
and femboys

but all three of those can apply at the same time and-then-some

When it comes to guys I prefer them to be feminine. But if I play the role myself then I prefer them to be...kinda an ikeman...pic perfect dudes and the like.
What can I say really, women love men that look good. And when you're bisexual it's safe to say I like a good looking strong man myself.

TL;DR, to sum it up, no I don't think you're alone there pal. I'm of a similar mindset. Though if you look at my FAVS, mostly girls. But I have an entire SET dedicated to Feminine boys and Hermaphrodites.

closetpossum said:
hmmm, I'm bisexual a well. I prefer women too, but when it comes to NSFW I'm more of a loose canon. I'm sexually attracted to pretty much ANYTHING if it catches my eye.
For me it all boil down to my taste in aesthetics and appeal.

I like buff strong women
and femboys

but all three of those can apply at the same time and-then-some

When it comes to guys I prefer them to be feminine. But if I play the role myself then I prefer them to be...kinda an ikeman...pic perfect dudes and the like.
What can I say really, women love men that look good. And when you're bisexual it's safe to say I like a good looking strong man myself.

TL;DR, to sum it up, no I don't think you're alone there pal. I'm of a similar mindset. Though if you look at my FAVS, mostly girls. But I have an entire SET dedicated to Feminine boys and Hermaphrodites.

It's nice to hear that others in this community feel the same, which shouldn't surprise me because I like looking at people's favorites and I see a lot of possibly bisexual users. Also, I checked out your faves and I gotta say that you got some nice Godzilla barazoku stuff for someone that prefers more feminine guys. Especially

I used to only acknowledge attraction to the opposite sex, but a long time ago I thought I might be "missing out." A lot of porn seemed potentially good, but I had kept away. Because. Because I don't know why. Because that's how most people from my generation and earlier probably started out, where society put us, spun us around, and told us to face a certain direction. Now I think a lot of those sexual directives and barriers are eroding and alternatives are becoming more visible and understood (sexually conservative people HATE that), and the younger generations aren't as inhibited as mine was.

Anyway, I started trying out different kinds of porn (mostly here) and eventually found some gateway porn for various attractions to things other than the bog standard stuff that I had started with. Sometimes it just takes one piece of media to sell someone on an idea. Through the gateway porn I cultivated alternative attractions, and I've been trying to fan the flames as far as they'll spread. Chinks in the armor that I'm wedging wider apart. Attraction to porn of the same sex was one of the earliest walls to fall. I've broadened my horizons a lot from where I started out. I have a good idea of my actual limits now, but I'm always looking to prove myself wrong.

Much closer to the topic post, I too have found it curious that I have different standards for each sex. For the opposite sex, I think I have a higher standard. Among the body types for the opposite sex, the most popular one, which I call the "A-type body" (i.e., what we're told is "most attractive"), I actually like less than many other body shapes for that sex. There's just too much of it and a lot of it seems too generic. And artistic creativity dies a little or a lot when viewers will coom merely over how something looks instead of what's happening or special about a given piece of porn. Not that I'm much better... but that shit's just too basic for me a lot of the time. So if I have thousands of such very similar porn to choose from, I would rather raise my standard and spend my limited time on the ones I think are best than be broadly permissive.

Toward porn of the same sex, I feel my standards are much lower in some regards. It's like I understand it on a deeper level (I literally must, right?), so I don't care about the imperfections as much. That extra relatability feels great and intimate. My self-insert personage has all kinds of flaws, and so maybe I'm just more accepting of them from my own sex. "I get it." And I'm just less picky. I wonder what my judgementality toward porn of the opposite sex says about me as a person lol. Having said that, my porn preferences are still toward the opposite sex, and long stretches of porn of the same sex wear me out more than those of the opposite sex. It becomes too much and I want a mental reset.

As for real life, well, it's probably the opposite. It's like holding a mirror to yourself. That is the real test. Furry porn is very idealistic. The flaws I mentioned above in furry porn are very minor and mostly artistic, but real life is manyfold times uglier yet also more potent of course. Acceptance IRL can be much harder, but this is learnable with the right attitude. My problem is I tailor who I am according to the spaces I'm in, probably far more than most, so I do not express attraction to the same sex IRL. I am not committed and brave enough to take on that change. It's not off the table, but not on the menu either.

Before I discovered furries, I had assumed I only liked women, but once I made it to this site I found out that male furries are hot too. That got me questioning, and long story short, that’s how I found out that I’m pan. If you imagine a spectrum from feminine to masculine with androgynous in the middle, my preferences generally span the whole fem side and part of the masc side (genitals don’t really factor in here, just presentation). In r34 land with cartoon humans, I like a lot more guys compared to in real life, and like you said I think it’s at least partly because of faces. That said, there’s a lot of guys in real life I would be attracted to if they just changed their clothes and hairstyle, and not even drastically. In the world of furries though, I think I do like men more. In this image: I like the character, but if it were a human (cartoon or not) I don’t think I would.

Lets just say when it comes to furry art it turns some people gay and it turns some people Bi.
To truly know if you're into this new interest I'd recommend looking at the HUMAN version of your newly found interest. A TEST of sort.
Cause furries don't exist IRL.

For me, it's true I'm bi- and I do like looking at IRL Femboys and big buff women that can crack my skull like melons.
If you like the furry version, look at the real version and see if you're still into it.

But that's not to say that FURRY NSFW isn't legit.......because anthros will always be the superior version of any NSFW.
post #3287515

I can relate to this.
I'm pretty sure I'm full gay IRL, but in furry art, I find myself leaning decently bi, especially nowadays. It's weird though, because it's making me question my sexuality IRL as well.
Let me add to that, though, in that I find that in furry art, I'm even attracted to body types that I normally am not IRL, or even in non-furry/human art, so what ClosetPossum said definitely makes me question both the sexuality thing, and general attraction to body types, and is definitely a good test to try to see how you truly feel. Like, how I said that for example, in furry art, I even find "twink" body types attractive, when normally I'm into heavier guys, but when it comes to human art, I find that I'm still sometimes attracted to twinks in western style art, but in anime style art they're a lot more of a, not necessarily turn off, but a nothing I guess?
Idk, it's weird for sure lol.

Sort of. I'm into traps/femboys but that doesn't track with real life. Irl I only like women.

Fiction is so varied and different that it's no surprise some might feel different attractions than in reality.

theaurorabear2 said:
My guess is that it has to do with faces. I like guys' bodies, but their faces are usually something that I'm usually more picky about. But replace that with a cute dog or rabbit and you have a pretty good combination of sexy and cute.

Probably. Faces are really important towards attraction in general. Bodies are too, but I think people are less particular about it..

popoto said:
Sort of. I'm into traps/femboys but that doesn't track with real life. Irl I only like women.

Fiction is so varied and different that it's no surprise some might feel different attractions than in reality.

Probably. Faces are really important towards attraction in general. Bodies are too, but I think people are less particular about it..

It's really best to use the term "femboy" over "trap", because the latter implies some sort of deception whereas the former is a morally neutral fashion and aesthetic choice.

I'm mostly attracted to women but there's certain guys, usually really femme, I'd have sex with.

peacethroughpower said:
It's really best to use the term "femboy" over "trap", because the latter implies some sort of deception whereas the former is a morally neutral fashion and aesthetic choice.

I'm mostly attracted to women but there's certain guys, usually really femme, I'd have sex with.

I typed both terms because people tend to conflate the two these days(something I refuse to do).
Artistic intentions aside, there is a difference between a trap and a femboy. Mainly whether or not they crossdress.

popoto said:
I typed both terms because people tend to conflate the two these days(something I refuse to do).
Artistic intentions aside, there is a difference between a trap and a femboy. Mainly whether or not they crossdress.

If you're referring to a trans woman, say trans woman. If you're referring to a femboy, say femboy. No need for a slur.

peacethroughpower said:
If you're referring to a trans woman, say trans woman. If you're referring to a femboy, say femboy. No need for a slur.

I am not referring to trans people, period.

To put it in e621 terms:
Trap = girly crossdressing
Femboy girly -crossdressing

SORRY for the slight derailment BUT this triggered me a bit.
Because it had some "Twitter behavior" present

Trap isn't a slur.
I hate it when people try to pull that BS
Used to be a femboy was a fad. (still do it sometimes)

Remember when I was in HS and some shmuck posted "Don't say the R-word" all over the school walls
I ripped that shit off and threw it in the garbage.

When a word that was normal becomes a slur later down the line is just bizarre. Definitions don't change overtime. They stay the same.
And not only that but some people are fine with the terminology.

The term "TRAP" has nothing to do with transgenderism. It's a freakin term that was generally used in the ANIME COMMUNITY that was generally meant for Crossdressing boys who had feminine traits.

THIS is what happens when NORMIES become aware of NEET, OTAKU, WEEB, Hikkikomori, culture slang.
They don't understand it and think it's an attack on their's a anime trope and an aesthetic choice.

FEMBOY = Identity/style...more or less.

closetpossum said:
When a word that was normal becomes a slur later down the line is just bizarre. Definitions don't change overtime. They stay the same.

definitions and especially connotations change and evolve all the time, constantly, what are you talking about? old words gain new meanings, new words are created, words become deprecated and fall out of use. that's how languages work, my dude.

darryus said:
definitions and especially connotations change and evolve all the time, constantly, what are you talking about? old words gain new meanings, new words are created, words fall out of use. that's how languages work, my dude.

I'm well aware of that but do you think I'm gonna word vomit that information into the post too?
Nah, gotta keep it like 500 words or less.

Point is, the meaning of Trap hasn't changed whatsoever at all.
It only "changed" cause normies trying to change it because they don't know what it ever meant in the first place.

Again, it's part of the anime community, and that most likely won't change.
It never was for the broader audience.

closetpossum said:
SORRY for the slight derailment BUT this triggered me a bit.
Because it had some "Twitter behavior" present

Trap isn't a slur.
I hate it when people try to pull that BS
Used to be a femboy was a fad. (still do it sometimes)

Remember when I was in HS and some shmuck posted "Don't say the R-word" all over the school walls
I ripped that shit off and threw it in the garbage.

When a word that was normal becomes a slur later down the line is just bizarre. Definitions don't change overtime. They stay the same.
And not only that but some people are fine with the terminology.

The term "TRAP" has nothing to do with transgenderism. It's a freakin term that was generally used in the ANIME COMMUNITY that was generally meant for Crossdressing boys who had feminine traits.

THIS is what happens when NORMIES become aware of NEET, OTAKU, WEEB, Hikkikomori, culture slang.
They don't understand it and think it's an attack on their's a anime trope and an aesthetic choice.

FEMBOY = Identity/style...more or less.

10/10 correct
I knew some who liked the term.

I actually experience this happening to me when I started exploring the depths of e621, this one time I scroll down looking at the galary of the popular section, I found dacad's animation, the famous Lucario on Lucario action, the art style and the effort made me woke inside of me that I'm feeling to started to be aroused, then gradually invest myself watching the entire video from start to finish, even though I dentified myself as an heterosexual, there are certainly keys of element that made me switch me on.

I hope I'm being too creepy or anything, I'm just answering the relative question.

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