Topic: [Feature] Allow users to refresh tag counts

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
Currently refreshing tag counts is something that's restricted to Janitor+ - I'm proposing that lower ranked users are also able to do it.

Why would it be useful?
Janitors and above already have plenty of tasks to be doing, and I don't really want to bother them asking for a bunch of tags to have their counts recalculated. It would be useful if users could do it without causing any bother to staff.

Obviously, being able to schedule tasks that could potentially have a heavy processing cost is ripe for abuse, so some sort of measures would have to exist to stop it being problematic. Some restrictions for users below the rank of janitor could be:

  • How often a tag can have its count refreshed
  • A throttle how many tags a user can refresh per minute/hour/day/etc.
  • Restricted to Privileged+
  • Only if the tag's count is below a certain number

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?