Topic: Questions to the site developers and staff related to the e621 functionality

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Hello. I have some questions related to the site functionality because I'm not sure if this should become considered as an potential issue or not.

First of the question is related to following situation:

I had searched intetested me keywords with had returned me results separated into multiple pages. Some of the drawings were filtered out due the "blacklisted" keywords.

After loading the results, I had turned off in the "Blacklist" dropdown some of the blacklisted keywords to show the drawings, but after switching to the next page, they were turned back on.

My question is, if this should work this way or not ?

Yes, this is the way it's "intended" to work, but it's a reasonable suggestion for it to work that way. The entire blacklist being enabled or disabled is stored in LocalStorage (with the value dab being set to 1 or 0) but there's no persistent storage of individually toggled tags.

If you're still using the default blacklist and just don't want those tags to be blacklisted at all, you can permanently remove it from your blacklist in account settings so you don't have to toggle it on the posts page.

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