Topic: I feel like this post was wrongfully deleted but I don't know who to go to

Posted under General

I believe that automod deletions should be appealed to NotMeNotYou

rubberduckydj said:
... I'm not sure of the exact reason

Well, it says right there on the page, "Unapproved in 30 days". Sometimes this can be for a reason, other times it can just slip through the cracks.

I'm not a janitor so I can't tell you for certain, but it was likely neglected to be approved by any janitors as the image contains no animal-like or non-human traits.

Two approvers reviewed that post.
Neither one deleted it outright, but both believed that it was not relevant to the site.

cinder said:
Two approvers reviewed that post.
Neither one deleted it outright, but both believed that it was not relevant to the site.

This info used to be visible to general users on the post page. Why was it removed? I feel its removal has caused more problems and confusion than whatever it was intended to solve.



wat8548 said:
This info used to be visible to general users on the post page. Why was it removed? I feel its removal has caused more problems and confusion than whatever it was intended to solve.

I don't know the ultimate reason, but I had seen certain series would regularly get 1 or 2 reviewers that feel the posts doesn't meet the uploading guidelines (though also not deleting it), and comments would inevitably turn into complaints about those moderators not approving it, to the point where comments would preemptively complain on new posts before anyone reviewed it.

wat8548 said:
This info used to be visible to general users on the post page. Why was it removed? I feel its removal has caused more problems and confusion than whatever it was intended to solve.

Watsit is correct, although it's not just that one series.

Disapprovals are primarily just a voting system for janitors, used when they aren't sure if something should be deleted or not. It was originally made visible to the public for the sake of transparency.
Unfortunately, that transparency had a downside. Arguments and complaints often sprung up whenever an approver actually used that functionality.
People were treating one janitor disapproving of a post as if the post would imminently be deleted, even though that's very often not the case.

Side note: flags often have the same problem. Some people think that a flag is made by the staff team as an indication that the post would soon be removed.
Naturally, if you think about that for more than a second, it does not make any sense. If a post needs to be deleted, it just gets deleted on the spot.
But that does not stop people from making comments like this fairly regularly.

Either way, back to the disapprovals.
The complainers showing up in droves meant took up admins' time, since they were very often verbally abusive.
Moreover, the arguments in the comments would mean that some approvers would be more hesitant to use the disapprovals system.
Keep in mind that's when a bunch of new janitors were being brought onto the team to handle the ever-increasing workload.

So, that's pretty much that.
There had been some talk about making the votes visible when the post had already been deleted.
However, that has not been implemented yet.

cinder said:
Watsit is correct, although it's not just that one series.

Disapprovals are primarily just a voting system for janitors, used when they aren't sure if something should be deleted or not. It was originally made visible to the public for the sake of transparency.
Unfortunately, that transparency had a downside. Arguments and complaints often sprung up whenever an approver actually used that functionality.
People were treating one janitor disapproving of a post as if the post would imminently be deleted, even though that's very often not the case.

Side note: flags often have the same problem. Some people think that a flag is made by the staff team as an indication that the post would soon be removed.
Naturally, if you think about that for more than a second, it does not make any sense. If a post needs to be deleted, it just gets deleted on the spot.
But that does not stop people from making comments like this fairly regularly.

Either way, back to the disapprovals.
The complainers showing up in droves meant took up admins' time, since they were very often verbally abusive.
Moreover, the arguments in the comments would mean that some approvers would be more hesitant to use the disapprovals system.
Keep in mind that's when a bunch of new janitors were being brought onto the team to handle the ever-increasing workload.

So, that's pretty much that.
There had been some talk about making the votes visible when the post had already been deleted.
However, that has not been implemented yet.

Hmm, maybe should have put in a delay like E-H did to stop abuse of tagging system, and put in warnings for abusing the janitors... Sigh. Yes, you get contests where people fight over top-tagging list.

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