Topic: Tag Alias: pbrown -> hear

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Furrin_Gok said:
hear should be aliased to invalid_tag. The artist's tag should be hear_(artist).

To hear something is a verb, and something you can't really portray in an image.

I'd agree that it is a common word, but I'd like to know if anything ever gets tagged with that meaning before making a move like that. I believe the admins can actually check a tag history like that, but I'm not actually sure.

Updated by anonymous

Actually, users have access to looking into the tag history by searching for specific tags... We just can't tell it "Only when it was added" or "WIthout anything extra on the end of it," so it ends up with a heck of a lot of "+heart" and posts that were tagged "hear" ages ago that I can't find the origin of without going to the post directly.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Actually, users have access to looking into the tag history by searching for specific tags... We just can't tell it "Only when it was added" or "WIthout anything extra on the end of it," so it ends up with a heck of a lot of "+heart" and posts that were tagged "hear" ages ago that I can't find the origin of without going to the post directly.

Ooh, neat. I am definitely going to abuse that tool in the near future. Thanks for that.

Using that tool, I was getting a lot of kingdom_hearts and the like, but they I realized you can just do [spacebar]hear[spacebar] and it'll search just that. From this it looks like hear gets tagged almost entirely when users accidentally miss the "t" in heart (~16 times in the last year, 70 total). Not sure if it's common enough to matter, but there we are.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Ooh, neat. I am definitely going to abuse that tool in the near future. Thanks for that.

Using that tool, I was getting a lot of kingdom_hearts and the like, but they I realized you can just do [spacebar]hear[spacebar] and it'll search just that. From this it looks like hear gets tagged almost entirely when users accidentally miss the "t" in heart (~16 times in the last year, 70 total). Not sure if it's common enough to matter, but there we are.

sounds like hear itself is an invalid tag, then, yeah?

Updated by anonymous