Topic: Tag Implication Conflict: Scalie to Reptile

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

At first it makes since to imply "scalie" on anything with "reptile" on it. That is, until you start running into things like furred dragons and feather dragons. They often don't have scales, but classify as reptile. Personally, when I search "scalie" I'd want to find characters with scales. Many dragon pics don't have the reptile tag in order to avoid "scalie" being pasted on. This implication should probably be removed. That or inverted, implying reptile when scalie is used. But that could cause problems as well... Probably should just remove the implication altogether.

Updated by user 59725

GameManiac said:
I feel as though this gets a bit more confusing when Pokémon are involved, such as charizard or latias.

i think its p clear.
-you dont tag it as dragon if it doesnt look like dragon
-you dont tag it as feathered_dragon if it doesnt have feathers
-you dont tag it as furred_dragon if it doesnt have fur
-you dont tag it as scalie if it doesnt have scales
these applies to pokemons too.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
I feel as though this gets a bit more confusing when Pokémon are involved, such as charizard or latias.

I have to agree that Latias/os don't look much like dragons to me, but it's very very subjective

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
I have to agree that Latias/os don't look much like dragons to me, but it's very very subjective

I constantly fight the urge to tag them as aeromorph.

GameManiac said:
more confusing when Pokémon are involved

Basically this.

Updated by anonymous