Topic: Negative mark on my account for short, playful comments?

Posted under General

I received a message today that I had gotten a negative mark from the admin Cinder for making 2 comments meant to be funny on 2 separate posts to not roleplay. Neither of these were meant to be taken seriously, and weren't very long, or received by any of the other commenters as bad; one even has 4 upvotes.

The rule states that 'Minor cases of role-playing may be excused if they are short, either humorous or otherwise non-disruptive, and are made in response to a situation or joke set up by the content of a post, or in similar context.' Both of those posts were done in that fashion, and only intended to maybe get a chuckle out of other commenters. I could understand if either of the posts had been getting lots of downvotes, but neither did.

I humbly request that the negative mark on my account be reconsidered, as both of my comments were within the rules as stated. I'm posting this here in accordance with the directions in italics at the bottom of the negative review mail.

stoneguardian said:
I received a message today that I had gotten a negative mark from the admin Cinder for making 2 comments meant to be funny on 2 separate posts to not roleplay. Neither of these were meant to be taken seriously, and weren't very long, or received by any of the other commenters as bad; one even has 4 upvotes.

The rule states that 'Minor cases of role-playing may be excused if they are short, either humorous or otherwise non-disruptive, and are made in response to a situation or joke set up by the content of a post, or in similar context.' Both of those posts were done in that fashion, and only intended to maybe get a chuckle out of other commenters. I could understand if either of the posts had been getting lots of downvotes, but neither did.

I humbly request that the negative mark on my account be reconsidered, as both of my comments were within the rules as stated. I'm posting this here in accordance with the directions in italics at the bottom of the negative review mail.

No one who runs this Site cares sadly

Wait, I'm an admin? News to me.
Guess I got a promotion!

Anyways, the record you got was negative because this isn't the first time you were told to stop roleplaying.
You clearly ignored that first warning. The comments I linked in my record were not the only times you roleplayed recently – here are a few more examples: [1] [2] [3]
That's just from this month. I have not looked further back – there are likely even more comments in the same style.

Roleplaying can be easily excused if it's minor. Hell, I closed a bunch of tickets just today for that very reason.
But you keep doing it again and again, to the point where it's clearly excessive. Just because it's supposed to be funny does not make it acceptable.

As such, I believe that the record is correct.
If you disagree, and wish to escalate this issue to an admin, please report me and explain the situation.

I'd honestly just stop talking to the characters in the images, or make up what the characters say to you in those "Her/Him: Me:" comments.
I've found there are many mods with many different levels of how strict they are. I sometimes snoop at account's marks to learn the rules and their thresholds, and sometimes I come across marks were I am like "that's a little unfair". But that's just how it is ya know, best to learn from it.
I think a couple of those dings in your current mark are pretty minor and don't deserve a ding (like the "you're staining my couch" one) but if I were to guess, it was just one to add to the list, since you're getting the mark anyway.

Just learn from it my dude/dudette. If the mods are giving you a hard time about talking to the images or having a convo with yourself, then just don't do it anymore, it wouldn't hurt to stop. Also, there are other sites to roleplay if you so badly need it.

cinder said:
Wait, I'm an admin? News to me.
Guess I got a promotion!

Anyways, the record you got was negative because this isn't the first time you were told to stop roleplaying.
You clearly ignored that first warning. The comments I linked in my record were not the only times you roleplayed recently – here are a few more examples: [1] [2] [3]
That's just from this month. I have not looked further back – there are likely even more comments in the same style.

Roleplaying can be easily excused if it's minor. Hell, I closed a bunch of tickets just today for that very reason.
But you keep doing it again and again, to the point where it's clearly excessive. Just because it's supposed to be funny does not make it acceptable.

As such, I believe that the record is correct.
If you disagree, and wish to escalate this issue to an admin, please report me and explain the situation.

Anyway the only difference between an admin and a moderator is that the admin can lock the tags

so it's not a very innovative promotion either xD

cinder said:
Wait, I'm an admin? News to me.
Guess I got a promotion!

Anyways, the record you got was negative because this isn't the first time you were told to stop roleplaying.
You clearly ignored that first warning. The comments I linked in my record were not the only times you roleplayed recently – here are a few more examples: [1] [2] [3]
That's just from this month. I have not looked further back – there are likely even more comments in the same style.

Roleplaying can be easily excused if it's minor. Hell, I closed a bunch of tickets just today for that very reason.
But you keep doing it again and again, to the point where it's clearly excessive. Just because it's supposed to be funny does not make it acceptable.

As such, I believe that the record is correct.
If you disagree, and wish to escalate this issue to an admin, please report me and explain the situation.

All of those are very short, harmless comments. Also, I don't recall being warned before this about roleplaying? I remember a neutral record for something, but no warning about roleplaying specifically.
If you honestly believe this is something that is harming the website or its members, then I won't even complain anymore. But yes, I feel like it's an excessive reaction. If my comments were getting negative ratings, indicating someone was being bothered by them, or if I was going into some level of excessive commentary, then sure, I can understand that. This? This seems kinda odd.

But yeah, gonna drop the subject if you and an admin both commented without considering rescinding anything. They made you the police of the site for a reason.

peacethroughpower said:
Why don't you just DM him rather than making a thread?

As stated in the main post, it tells you there are two options to discuss the negative mark, one being to find the person who gave it and speak to them, and the other to post on the forums about it. I figured it was both easier and more likely to be seen by more people who run the site if it were posted here, and wanted a slightly quicker solution. It also felt like talking to someone who just told me I'd dome something wrong directly wouldn't matter... as it turns out it didn't anyway.

stoneguardian said:
Also, I don't recall being warned before this about roleplaying? I remember a neutral record for something, but no warning about roleplaying specifically.

It's right there.

You were warned once for roleplaying specifically back in January, and then a second time this month. Because it was your second identical warning in under six months, it was negative.

cinder said:
Anyways, the record you got was negative because this isn't the first time you were told to stop roleplaying.
You clearly ignored that first warning. The comments I linked in my record were not the only times you roleplayed recently – here are a few more examples: [1] [2] [3]
That's just from this month. I have not looked further back – there are likely even more comments in the same style.

Roleplaying can be easily excused if it's minor. Hell, I closed a bunch of tickets just today for that very reason.
But you keep doing it again and again, to the point where it's clearly excessive. Just because it's supposed to be funny does not make it acceptable.

As such, I believe that the record is correct.
If you disagree, and wish to escalate this issue to an admin, please report me and explain the situation.

1 and 2 seem pretty harmless to me and well within what the Code of Conduct allows. Your mileage may vary on 3, but still, that seems like just padding the count to make the strike look more justified.

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